![]() Prisoner of the Judoon The Mad Woman in the Attic The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith The Eternity Trap The Mona Lisa's Revenge The Gift |
BBC The Sarah Jane Adventures Season Three |
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A Review by Stephen Maslin 2/10/10
Already brimming with evangelical fervour after stumbling across Series Two, I was not prepared for just how good Series Three would turn out to be. It starts well. Very well.
A great opener. Though there are more than a few shudders on the way, as the story progresses the emphasis is most definitely on fun. The earth-bound setting allows for far better Judoon-obey-the-law jokes than either its TV forerunner Smith and Jones or its book form counterpart Revenge of the Judoon (and Prisoner of the Judoon is much more entertaining than either of them. In fact, in spite of his authoritarian literalism, or more likely because of it, I ended up feeling rather attached to Judoon Captain Tybo.) Though the story as a whole is an excellent yarn, it's not free of niggles: in the middle of a tale with so many light touches, the abduction of a little girl is extremely dark in contrast to the rest and the part one cliffhanger (boy genius stating the obvious to super-intelligent computer) is resolved a little too easily. But balance that against the positives: the music's great, the plot strands fit together beautifully, Rani's parents and Tybo are hilarious, and Sarah Jane gets to be mean for a change. All-in-all, Prisoner of the Judoon is highly entertaining and a great way start to the series. 9/10.
In its initial stages at least, TMWitA is an exemplary piece of television, with compelling ideas and some startling imagery; for any regular viewer, the opening few minutes are extremely intriguing. Yet there are a few flaws as the story unfolds: once we're back in 2009, it feels a little straightforward; there is the occasional verbal overexposition of the plot and some really duff incidental music (though nowhere near as bad as that of its parent show). But there's also a great deal to keep you hooked. Anjli Mohindra carries the story really well, the fairground scenes are suitably unnerving and Brian Miller makes a very endearing caretaker. From a purely Whoish point of view, there's a great little flashback sequence at the beginning of part two (Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker!). The ending is rather drawn-out and sentimental (somewhat of an occupational hazard) but with K9 coming back to Earth, pretty much all is forgiven. All tied up nicely. Until the twists... The CGI at the very end disappoints a little but Joseph Lidster's trademark chopped-up narrative and Alice Troughton's excellent direction generally doesn't. 7/10.
Most likely the one that has spawned the most column inches, TWoSJS's obvious fan triggers shouldn't hide the fact that it is beautifully set up: the youngsters spying on Sarah Jane's romantic assignations; managing to keep a stray alien secret from the fiance, the faint recurrent noises of Tardis materialisation. The light comedy ("People are eating!") that makes up most of part one makes it all the more heartbreaking when things goes wrong later. Nigel Havers and Elizabeth Sladen are really affecting as the ill-fated lovers and David Tennant, at his most Tom-Bakerish, was never better than here. The villain of the piece should come as no surprise and it's a shame about the periodically syrupy music but despite the odd contrivance or two, the ending, soul-mates parted forever, shouldn't leave a dry eye in the house. 9/10.
The Eternity Trap is more what one might expect of the average scary kids show but manages to be a whole lot more edgy than the norm. There is a definite sense of menace throughout and some of the finest music of the entire run. The gang (without Luke) investigating a haunted house would be pretty much all there was, were it not for some exceptional touches: the message on the mirror, the repeating phonograph voice, the toy room, the people on the staircase, Donald Sumpter's creepy Erasmus. The absence of Luke, Mr Smith and K9 makes everything seem a lot more grown-up than usual and though the script is at times a little creaky, this is more than offset by great performances from Daniel Anthony, Anjli Mohindra and Adam Gillen as Toby. For something that could so easily have turned into Scooby Doo, The Eternity Trap is really, really good. 9/10.
The Mona Lisa's Revenge has to be seen to be believed. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I saw a programme for children that left my lower jaw dragging on the floor quite so much. Not in a scary way; more like 'What on Earth...!?' The first ten minutes or so is pretty standard fare: a bit of mother-teenager angst to kick off with; then Clyde wins the competition (with an actually-not-very-good painting) and he and his classmates all troop off to see the Mona Lisa; something happens to said painting. So far, so what. But then it shifts up several hundred gears into something truly bizarre. ("A whole new kind of wrong.") There are a host of unforgettable visuals, a lot of sparkling dialogue but, most gob-smacking of all, the eponymous anti-heroine herself. Not since Henry Woolf in The Sun Makers has anyone hit that impossible balance of crazed/dangerous/hilarious as Suranne Jones does here. Her impassioned "...to be trapped in here!" in part two is the quintessential Who villain played to perfection: threat and victim and cosmic joke all in one. Unmissable. 9/10.
The season finale, an altogether less successful concoction of light and dark, is a little flat by comparison to the rest but outshining five such exceptional stories was always a tall order. It kicks off with a chase, into a washing-machine storehouse or something, and... oh dear, it's a Slitheen. (Doctor Who Season 2005 had many strengths but the Slitheen weren't one of them. As a one-off satire on the true nature of political authority, fair enough, but more than that?) Anyway, the Blathereen turn up (same as the Slitheen but different - don't know, don't care). After saving the day, they offer Sarah Jane some Rackweed, a super-plant with which she can feed the world. Of course it's part of an evil plan but our heroine dutifully falls for it and spends the rest of the story clearing it up. Or rather the kids do. The Rackweed threat is serious enough but just doesn't grab you and the script lacks the wit and sparkle of earlier stories. One is left with a fairly straightforward scenario, with Sarah Jane, saviour of the world, being fooled all too easily, not once but twice. (And the comedy ending and moral postscript to the story are pants.) 5/10.