The Doctor Who Ratings Guide: By Fans, For Fans

Reeltime Pictures
Where on Earth is Katy Manning?

A video diary of Katy Manning touring the UK.


A Review by Stuart Gutteridge 26/10/98

With a personality as wacky and zany as that of Katy Manning, it is virtually impossible to showcase it all in one videotape. As such, this compliments her recent MythMakers release and manages to give the viewer and the fans a glimpse of the more eccentric side of Katy Manning rarely seen in her portrayal of Jo Grant. Her love of Doctor Who is very much in evidence as she greets Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin and John Leeson amongst others with a stereotypical thespian`s "luvvy, darling" dialect, which itself wavers from Australian to British and back again.

This never comes across as anything less than genuine, as does her grief over the loss of Jon Pertwee, which suddenly overwhelms her whilst sitting in Bessie. As this tape charts a ten week tour of Katy visiting various places in the UK, there are hilarious moments when to be savoured when her short-sightedness comes to the fore, notably at the Dapol model factory, where Katy tries to assemble a miniature K-9 (albeit unsuccessfully). This isn`t supposed to be a profile of Katy Manning, the actress, more a video diary, and with no introduction, leaving the viewer to be thrown in. Manning`s personality soon reaches beyond the screen,and you can`t help but love her.