I have a cat. His name is Leo. He’s a bit over 2 years old and about 16lbs heavy. He’s a big cat. (Apparently, his brother Pooh is even bigger!) Leo was named so because when he was a bebe, he was all black and had a mane. So he was Leo the Black Lion. Now, this is what Donna, his surrogate mother, had named him. When I finally adopted him, she said I could name him whatever I wanted. But you see… (yes, folks, I will manage to get Sylvester McCoy into this journal entry as well…) in that terrible movie The Three Kinds of Heat, Sylv played a character who was latter discovered to be Leo Kalb, the head of Black Lion. So could I rename Leo after he’d already been named after a Sylvester McCoy character? Of course not!
Leo’s a real sweety. He’s very dog-like, so Judi even likes him. He loves to play fetch, and his current favorite toy (which varies often) is his Knob Gobblin. Yes, that sounds naughty, but it’s a monkey on a bungee cord that hangs on a door knob. And they’ve coated the toy in catnip scent or something. I’ve retied the Knob Gobblin’s bungee cord 3 times now to fix it’s breaks. And he still loves to play with it. Currently, he’s snoozing next to the monitor while the B-52s play.
In other news… Elsa and Judi are going to be heading off to England in January after all… Wah! No fair! I wanna go to England too! (OK, so Paul McGann in a play isn’t as much of a draw for me as Sylvester McCoy in a panto, but still! ‘Snot fair!) Being a teacher means I don’t have quite the vacation freedom that the girls have. (Newspaper editor and lawyer respectively). Of course, they don’t have 3 months of vacation… (Actually, as the network administrator as well as chem/phys teacher, I don’t really have 3 months of vacation either.)
So, I shall have to be very cross from January 7-12th while they’re off basking in the glory that is England… (Well, from Dec 29-Jan 3 all three of us will be basking in the glory that is DisneyWorld.) Maybe they can bring me back an autograph from McGann himself… (They didn’t do that on their last trip to see him, though.)
Current Mood: envious
Current Music: “Love Shack” by The B-52s
2 thoughts on “Leo!!”