Moving Day

LJ-icon-SylvWell, the InMotion transfer is now in motion, as it were. I’ve copied the old site to the new host and have informed NetworkSolutions of the new DNS server addresses. Now it’s up to the Propagation Gods to start directing people to the new server. The hardest part of the transfer, IMO, is the e-mail part. Not only do I use Pagefillers e-mail, but so do my parents and my sister. This enables them to have a stable e-mail address regardless of ISP. It’s also a stable e-mail address regardless of webhost, but the propagation time is Hell for the e-mails. Some will get picked up by Sharp and some by InMotion. Hopefully, all e-mails will be accounted for in the end.

Pegasus should handle things well – I use it now and have convinced dad to use it too, so it should be easy for us, relatively speaking. Amy, IIRC, uses Outlook. I have NO clue about Outlook myself, and have to rely on online tutorials to walk her through things. I’ve told her to give me a call should my directions suck – which they might well do – and I’ll do what I can to walk her through. If anyone out there is really familiar with Outlook (from Office2K, I *think* – possibly ’97) that I can go to with questions, just e-mail me or make a comment after this post. (As the Network Administrator for my HS, I refuse to let Outlook or Outlook Express in my building. Could that be why we have so few virus problems? Well, I think that’s one reason. Our obsolete technology helps too. :-))

So, are there any other features of this new webhost? Well, it has 5x the storage space of the old one. It has an SMTP server. (We’ve all been relying on our ISP’s SMTP servers for the past year and a bit.) It can handle php database (which I don’t have, but might eventually). It has tech people who actually respond – that’s a plus!

How will you know when things are fully propagated? Well, I did what I did last time. I updated the front page of my site! And the REAL shame of things is that the *last* time I updated my site was when I switched from Yahoo to Sharp. Whoops! The new site is titled “New Webhost Part Deux!” and tells a story about the latest move. It also has links to this LiveJournal. And promises that things will be different in 2004. Heh. (Now don’t come visiting on Jan 1 2004 expecting a new page – I’ll be in Orlando then! So Jan 4, 2004 – that’s the date to watch out for.)

Current Mood: mood_geeky geeky
Current Music: “Dr. Jazz” by The Bonzo Dog Band