Another ‘Net Quiz

LJ-icon-SylvBeing a fan of the Winnie the Pooh stories, I couldn’t resist this quiz: Which Pooh Character Are You?”

You are Tigger.
Headstrong almost to a fault, practically nothing
gets you down.
You enjoy making grand entrances and the odd
practical joke, (and are not afraid to ‘bounce’
somebody if it gets a laugh from your friends.)
You love being the life of the party but your
energy and fun-loving nature can sometimes get
you into trouble.
As a Tigger you do crave attention, but you are
always fun to be around.

Which Pooh character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am not at all surprised by that.

Current Mood: mood_bouncy bouncy
Current Music: “Let’s Get Busy Baby” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince

Nothing to write about

LJ-icon-SylvWell, I knew it would happen – actually, I lasted longer than I thought I would. It’s been a week since I successfully got an LJ post up. And I posted every day – including today. But does today’s post really count when all I’m doing is writing to say that I have nothing to say? Hmmm, that’s an interesting question…

OK, here’s a question for y’all – if you were going to take your 11 year old cousin out for her first Indian meal, what would you order for her? Just for some assistance, she’s more of the non-adventurous sort. I seem to remember I was willing to try any strange “ethnic” food when I was her age, though I avoided “healthy-looking non-ethnic” food (aka, veggies). But she seems even more finicky than I was. Suggestions on a postcard to… Hell, I’ll make it easier – just comment on my LJ.

Current Mood: mood_apathetic mellow
Current Music: “Parents Just Don’t Understand” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince