Twelve Days & Other Things

Firstly, I shall join in with elsaf and judiang and make a Twelve Days of Christmas list.

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me…
12 drake57s a-hopping.
11 elissahs a-calling.
10 elsafs a-hugging.
9 girlycomics a-hooting.
8 gordon_r_ds a-writing.
7 gregmces a-smooching.
6 indefatigable42s a-flaming.
5 light green judiangs.
4 drumming michaellees.
3 Palestinian redstarrobots.
2 goat shebits.
And a the_ladylark in a tomato tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

And second – I now know what people mean when they talk about a night that swallows light. As I was driving home from grocery shopping tonight (to get stuff for tomorrow’s teacher carry-in) I was just astonished at how dark it was even when my lights were on. I first wondered if maybe I had a pididdle, but no, both of my headlights were fine. Just damned dark. The dark that sucks out the marrow of light. (Ewww, that’s rather gross imagery.)

So, what is Trina taking for the carry-in? Reuben Dip. Probably one of the most fattening things in the family cookbook (and my family excels at fattening).


1 can sauerkraut

4 oz. cheddar cheese

4 oz. Swiss cheese

4 oz. Monterey jack cheese

½ cup Miracle Whip

3 small packages of corned beef

Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Serve warm with rye bread.

6 thoughts on “Twelve Days & Other Things

  1. Hmmm… a little puzzled by the recipe… What do we do with the sauerkraut, cheese, Miracle Whip and corned beef? Should they just be thrown in a pan? (I hope we at least unwrap them first.) Do we shred them? Chop them? Cube them? Smash them with the heel of a shoe? Inquiring minds want to know! I’m surprised to hear we’re supposed to bake the Miracle Whip. I’ll just go back to hugging now.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean. And are you supposed to drain the sauerkraut? So, here’s what I do: I slice up the corned beef (which are already sliced, so it’s sort of like dicing, only not as fine). Then I put the corned beef and cheeses (which are pre-shredded) into a bowl. Then I find out the bowl isn’t big enough, cuz I haven’t a clue what a “small package” of corned beef is supposed to be. I thought the ones that I bought (2.5oz for 49cents) were even smaller than the recipe required, so I bought twice as many. As for the cheeses, most don’t come in 4oz packages anymore (at least not at the Meijer I was at tonight). I got 4oz of Swiss, but an 8oz package of colby/monteray jack (no jack solo, alas). And I figured I had 8 oz of cheddar at home that I’d yet to use for anything. So now I’m at a sort of double recipe – but that’s OK cuz I don’t have any idea what size can of sauerkraut to buy – and as I refuse to buy cans of sauerkraut on principle, I got the smallest jar that they had (32oz). I bunged it all together in a larger bowl along with a squeezy thingy of Miracle Whip (10 oz – probably the only thing I have too little of in my current batch) and stirred. I’ve discovered that, although squeezy things hold less Miracle Whip (which was the desire) they’re damned hard to get the last little bit out. I’ll go back to the small jar next time I make it. (I just don’t care for Miracle Whip, so I usually avoid having any in my house.) Once it was all stirred together, I put it in a 9×13″ pan (why the originator of this recipe didn’t believe in units, I’ll never know). Tomorrow I’ll see if Patsy can bake it for me (along with the other carry-in items). She’s the Home Ec teacher (though they don’t call them that anymore). I’ll let you know how to went. (Though to be honest, I *always* guess this recipe and so far it’s *always* turned out fine.)

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