Heading Off to visit Uncle Winky!

Thanks to the Big Finish audio Zagreus, I shall never be able to think of Walt Disney and or his “offspring” without thinking of Uncle Winky. But anyhoo, tomorrow the girls and I will be going doon sooth to see Walt Disney World and other fun theme parks. Should be a delightful time! And the weather’s looking nice.

I’m currently in the transition between Christmas time and the bit that comes after. So I still have my Sylv & Sophie desktop wallpaper and Christmas theme going, but I’m now listening to nonChristmas music on MusicMatch. (Started back to listening to all of my stuff from start to finish. As you can see from the “current music” listing below, I’m up to the M’s.)

One thing I really won’t get done before my trip is updating my website. I do have an idea of what to do on the main page, but I’ll wait until next Sunday to work on it.

ElsaF will be driving down later today to join me. And tomorrow morning (oily, oily in the morning) mom will drive us to the airport. (Elsa found it cheaper to drive to Dayton and fly out with me than to get a flight from Detroit.) Judiang will also be flying down from the Windy City and we’ll meet her at the airport. Then it’s onto our hotel and time for fun, fun, fun! And just to make things even more fun. Steph will be joining us the next day to spend some time with us. Looking forward to seeing her again.

We’re going to be rather geeky cuz each of us will be bringing her laptop (and I wouldn’t be surprised if Steph brings hers either). I wasn’t going to, but hey, if you’re a geek, you might as well prove it! 🙂

So, if the hotel didn’t lie about there being T1 lines available, I ought to be able to keep the journal up to date. (Hopefully more up to date than I have recently. Still, I’m doing a lot better than I suspected that I would!)

Hope y’all have as fun this New Years time as I intend to be having. And if you lot at home have even half as much fun as the girls and I have, then we’ll have had twice as much fun as you. 😉

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