Updated Website – YAY!

I only ever seem to update my main page at pagefillers.com whenever the new year rolls around. The main thing I need to do is change the year in my ACME Page Fillers, Inc. logo, but I also change the page text. Well, this year, I’ve come up with the perfect solution to my rarely updated page. I made the page for the entire year. Yes, each month of 2004, you can return to ACME Page Fillers, Inc. and see the content specific for that month. Or you can read it all in one go, if you’d ruther.

I shall also be updating my “About Me” page and “trinalinks” page. And if I’m really good, I’ll work on the Science Page. I have a HUGE collection of URLs at school for cool science pages. Just need to spend a bit of time making the page viable.