Childhood Memories

Last night during my MP3 listening, I heard my new Songs from the Street: 35 Years of Music tunes (ta Wemb!) and was transported back nearly 30 years. The Street in this CD collection’s case, is Sesame Street. I watched Sesame Street as a child and it’s one of the reasons that I adore Muppets today. It also explains a lot more about me. (Ernie, for example, is definitely my inner Muppet.)

Some of the songs I haven’t heard in years. The one that really tugged at my nostalgia cells was “Five People in my Family.” As the song continued, I remembered listening to it (possibly on a 45) and singing along. But it has to have been 25 years since I’d heard it. Then there was “The King of Eight” and “Ladybug’s Picnic.” Later on, “I’ve Got Two” which I must have had on 45. Of the new pieces, the one I liked best was probably Ladysmith Black Mambazo (one of my favorite groups as it is) and Kermit the Frog singing their ABCs. And probably the funniest was R.E.M. singing “Furry Happy Monsters.”

If they came out with DVDs of classic Sesame Street sketches, I’d definitely have to buy it. It was a joy to listen to the tunes and remember sitting on the floor & watching the show, or dancing around my little white plastic record player listening & singing along to the music.

One of the IRC folks last night asked if I was going through my second childhood while listening to the music. I have to admit that this wasn’t the case. How can you have a second childhood if you never left the first one? 🙂