Some more answers

After complaining to friends that I’d only gotten one question so far, I managed to get 2 more. So, here we go:

capriuni: Well, what sort of answer are you looking for?

elsaf: Well, they’re good for telling different components apart, even when said components have the same IP address. Watch out for components manufactured by fly-by-night companies because sometimes they reuse the same ones over and over. Not good.

Oh, and in the weather department, we’ve got snow – woohoo! Supposed to turn icy & shitty by the morning, which might mean a snow day. That would be nice. 🙂 (Well, the ice isn’t nice, but snow days are!)

Oh, be sure to ask your questions here!

First answer to the Question/Answer poll

judiang: Well, only at Monopoly. Then again, we don’t compete against each other a lot. He beats the hell out of me at “go fetch” because I’m just too lazy to chase after toys.

Be sure to ask your own questions here. I’ll answer as I get ’em! Oh, and if you think you can figure out what the original question is, reply to the LJ post and I may let you know if you were right or not. 🙂

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…

Now that the hubbub has died down on the “ask me a question, any question” poll that was going around in LJ, I decided I’d try one myself. Since my first poll was a success (heh), I’ll do this one. So, as the thing says below, ask me a question, any question. I intend to answer them. (Whether my answer will actually answer the question asked is another matter….) What’s the interesting thing to do when reading the answers, I think, is to try and figure out just what was the original question. (Being a teacher, I try to get my students to answer questions using complete sentences, so that the reader knows what the question originally was. I am not going to do that here, however.)