Kings of Chaos

So I knew nothing about Kings of Chaos when Judi had me “click” for her. So I clicked and then accidentally ended up with my own army under her army. This is an interesting online game thingy where people raise armies by having other (very generous) people click on a number grid with some random number (to prevent bots or something, I guess). The trick is to not then sign up to have your own army…

So I have an army of Elves under judiang‘s command. And Judi’s under drake57 and along side abates. And Drake is under paygem‘s command. So we all ask that you click on our armies. URLs? Well, perhaps the easiest thing to do is direct you to my journal (if you’re not already here) and look at the links. I’ve made a link for each of our armies to click upon. Anyone can click and for every click, I get another Elf. Fun fun! (Or rather, it’s supposed to be. It’s all rather new to me.)

Leo Pix and Friday Ramblings

Firstly, for anyone who wants to get Wiggy With It Davison Style, I have an LJ icon for you. Alas, The Tomorrow People font that I have doesn’t scale down well. But he’s definitely wiggy!

Davison Getting Wiggy With It

Now, onto the cat… My cat is wonderful – the bestest cat in the world. (Hush other cat lovers! Let me live in my own little world here…) He often joins me in bed at night and last night he found a new place on the bed to sleep. He decided that my pillow was more to his style than the nice empty pillow (which is where my 33 year old teddy bear, Teeny Tiny Teddy, sleeps) next to it. I woke up at 5am with a neck cramp and realized that my head was only on 3″ or so of my own pillow – and the back of my head was resting against my cat. That was nice of him to share a smidgen of my own pillow with me. 🙂

Tonight while I was playing around on the computer, Leo decided to play in the trashcan. Luckily, my camera was just next to me, so proud mama got some pictures of the ornery little thing.

Leo in the trash looking out.
Leo in the trash, looking out.

Trashcan kitty looking to the side.
Trashcan kitty looking to the side.

In other Friday news, ’twas a good day. I managed to be a rebellious little sh*t by first sticking my tongue out at my former superintendent (well, he was picking on me!) Then this evening at BW3’s I flipped off my former Industrial Arts teacher (now the school guidance counselor) who was also picking on me. 🙂 I do have a lot of fun with my coworkers – I’m very lucky there! Now if only our levy will pass on Tuesday so that we can still be a fun and happy lot! *cross fingers*

Gettin’ Wiggy With It!

OK, so trinalin’s in a silly mood tonight. Actually, I got the idea last night when I made my “Gettin’ Wiggy With It!” LJ icon, but I decided to go through with it tonight.

Here’s my idea – most of my friends have favorite actors/actresses/obsessions and I’m sure many of said objects d’art have worn wigs in at least one of their roles (well, I can’t think of any for Peter Davison yet, but I’m working on it – ah! elsaf‘s just reminded me – Elmer in The Tomorrow People). I’ve made a McGann as Doc8 icon for judiang and she’s promised to post a GIP tonight.

So, get out your favorite photo of your obsession in a wig and make an icon with it and you’ll be “Gettin’ Wiggy With It!” too!


It was elsaf who started the tradition of the GDP (Gratuitous Diet Post) and I’m going to follow in her footsteps today. But don’t worry, after today’s ecstatic post, I’ll send most of my GDP’s to Elsa’s new LJ community monday_gdp. If you’re working on a diet (or as I’m doing, working on a project since diets never work) you should check it out. It’s a wonderful place for swapping recipes and getting support from friends.

So why my ecstasy? At Curves they measure your progress every month. Bust, waist, hips, thighs, arms, etc. And they measure your fat content and weight as well. Well, it’s been a month since I joined curves, so today was Measurement Day. And it turns out that I had a great starting month. My total loss in inches was 10.75″ and I lost 7 lbs in that time. Even better, my fat content and BMI both went down too. (I lost 3.88 body fat pounds). Woohoo! And to celebrate, my mother gave me a half cup of lowfat ice cream to have as my dessert tonight. (Which was great with [Elsa, close your eyes!] a dollop of fat free whipped cream on top.)

In addition to my GDP, I’ve decided to show off one of my new icons. Yes, it’s silly. But that’s what I like! 🙂

(post partially crossposted to monday_gdp. )

Out with Bachelor Dad

While mom is off visiting Amy in MN, I got to spend quality time with dad this weekend. On Friday evening, I took him to the weekly BW3’s gathering where we both had a nice evening. My coworkers are fun to hang out with. (And Tammy had many possible villas for us to look at for our summer 2005 trip to Italy – woohoo!)

Yesterday, I gave the fellow a break and worked on web stuff. Speaking of which, I finished the Gallifrey 2004 website I’ve been working on. Click here to visit it. If I misspelled anyone’s name, let me know. I hope you enjoy the site!

Today I went with dad to the New Madison Unitarian Universalist church to listen to him preach on the parable of the broken jar (from the Gospel of Thomas, the sayings Gospel found in the 1940s). As parables are supposed to do, it made me think. And often when I’d think of a point, seconds later, dad would make that very point. Nice to see that we were in tune on this parable. (Now to try and figure out that assassin parable – that one is tough!)

We returned to our respective homes to have lunch and I worked more on the website (did I mention I was done? Oh, I did? Sorry!) Then at quarter til 2pm, we headed off to Wright State University to watch a production of the musical Nine. The production values were, as usual with WSU theatre, top notch, though they had some sound troubles here and there. The acting and singing was also superb. Alas, I can’t speak all that highly for the musical itself. Oh, it’s not as bad as Carousel, but it didn’t resonate with me and the tunes weren’t terribly catchy. But after the play, we went to Bob Evans for supper and had a pleasant meal.

I have fun when I hang out with Bachelor Dad. I hope Amy’s having fun with Bachelorette Mom (as I’m sure she is).

*tapping foot*

So, what are you waiting for? Go visit my Gallifrey 2004 website!

Random Meme

Before I get to working on my web page updates (that’s my main task for today) I decided to try out this meme that I gakked from drednort.

Write a random phrase from each of the following:

Nearest book to you:
“Dreamweaver comes with a number of templates (and you can download even more at the Macromedia Exchage; see Appendix B, ‘Customizing Dreamweaver’) for creating Flash buttons right in Dreamweaver.” [from SAMS Teach Yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver MX in 24 Hours]

Nearest CD to you:
“And if you take my hand my son, all will be well when the day is done.” [on the back of the CD Peter, Paul and Mommy]

Nearest piece of paper that you wrote on:
“Hard Day’s Night – Hard Day’s Night” [List of MP3s in my collection that have skips and must be re-ripped]

Nearest piece that was written to you:
“1 can beets – drained keep liquid” [Recipe for Pickled Eggs that mom gave me to include in the family cookbook]

Something on your desk:
“Pleasant Hill Earnings Tax Return filing required even if no taxes due” [As you might guess, the town tax form, which makes no sense and that I couldn’t do through TurboTax]

Gee, not a terribly exciting collection of items, what? Then again, my computer desk is probably at the cleanest it ever gets, so not a lot of things to choose from.

Eye Candy for YOU the Viewer!

Been playing around with my many pix of McGann and McCoy from Gallifrey 2004, so I decided to put several of them up. Enjoy!

McGann plays with his socks.
McGann plays with his socks.

Paul has something to say.
Paul has something to say.

Dark photo of McGann.
Dark photo of McGann.

Picture of my current wallpaper!
Picture of my current wallpaper! (And Judi’s on her laptop, if she still hasn’t changed it back to James Marsters or whatever it had before hand.)

McCoy looks startled.
McCoy looks startled.

Sylv gets ambushed in the TARDIS.
Sylv gets ambushed in the TARDIS.

Sylv listens to questions.
Sylv listens to questions.

Sylv seems pleased to meet this McGann fellow.
Sylv seems pleased to meet this McGann fellow.

Two mates having a laugh.
Two mates having a laugh.

McCoy and McGann.
McCoy and McGann.

So there ya go – hope the time to download all the pictures wasn’t too terrible. (Let’s hear it for Broadband!)

One of these days I’ll do a proper website on Galley’04 which includes real people as well as celebs. 🙂

Random MP3s Meme…

thezzyzx did the following meme and I shall follow:
Step 1: Open your MP3/media player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random/shuffle.
Step 3: Write down the first fifteen songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.

OK, here I go (skipping out any Big Finish chapters that happen to appear as they’re not technically music):

  1. “Johanna” from Sweeney Todd
  2. “Hooked on Your Love” by En Vogue
  3. “Lo! How a Rose E’re Blooming” by R. Carlos Nakai & William Eaton
  4. “Watermark” by Enya
  5. “Bella (She’s All I Ever Had)” by Ricky Martin
  6. “Thing of Beauty” by Hothouse Flowers
  7. “Going Down to Liverpool” by the Bangles
  8. “Ride” by Robyn Hitchcock
  9. “I Am Made Of You” by Ricky Martin
  10. “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” by Johnny Cash
  11. “Stolen Kiss” by Ronan Hardiman
  12. “Sweet-A Little Baby” by Pete Seeger and the Kids
  13. “Your Funny Uncle” by Pet Shop Boys
  14. “Skating” by Vince Guaraldi
  15. “Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me and My Monkey” by the Beatles

Wow – how did two Ricky Martin songs get in there? I only own the one album. And I’m surprised no Chumbawamba or Monkees made it in there. Turns out in the top 15 there were 3 Big Finish chapters – the first from Jubilee, the second from Chimes of Midnight and the third from Zagreus. (Odd, none of those are McCoy stories…) It’s also interesting the number of Christmas songs that appeared. Fascinating, really… 🙂

The Eye Candy Diet

Several weeks ago, I started my Portion Control Project and I can say that things have been going smoothly (albeit slowly, but it’s better that way, I think). Before the Gallifrey 2004 weekend, I’d lost 4lbs and I figured that during the course of the weekend, I’d gain those 4lbs back since I’d be doing no real exercise and would probably be eating a lot. But what happened instead was what I’ve decided to call the Eye Candy Diet…

The girls and I would get up in the morning and then go to Beeps or Denny’s for breakfast. I’d eat a hearty meal (provided they brought me my food, but that’s another story) and then we’d head back to the hotel to sit and watch panels or stand in line for autographs. But during the course of this panel-watching and autograph waiting, there was plenty of Eye Candy to feast upon. Not only was there Paul McGann, whom many at the con found to be very Eye Candy-ish, but I had me #1 drool-fest feller there as well, Sylvester McCoy. And hell, Janet Fielding’s still very tasty, there’s no denying that. (Check out my new icon for a lovely photo of the pair of ’em.) So I never got hungry during the day and we never went for lunch (didn’t have time either). Eventually, we’d settle down enough to get a decent Japanese meal somewhere and that would be supper.

I weighed myself this morning after being on the Eye Candy Diet and sure enough, I’d dropped another pound! Woohoo! Let’s hear it for Eye Candy!

I’ve been trying to remember more bits from various panels which I could report on here, so here’s some that I thought of since my last post.

During the Sylv & Janet panel (while I’ve got this icon going) someone asked both who would they cast as the Doctor if they were producers for the new series. Janet balked (as she did with all “would you return to DW” style questions) and Sylv smiled widely and answered “Me!” Then he thought for a second and said “No, not me. I’d cast Janet,” he said while pointing at her, “but then she’d decline and I’d cast me.” 🙂

When Janet kept complaining about the types of questions she was being asked (well, most of them were about whether she’d do a Big Finish audio, so I don’t blame her) someone asked what sort of question would they wish the fans would ask them. “How much do you want me to make this check out to you?” was Sylv’s answer. “Would you like a million dollars?” Janet agreed.

Hopefully I’ll think of other moments later and can bore you with them as well. (I’m sure some of these things are a matter of “you should have been there!”) I’m going back to work on photos. Of Eye Candy, of course!

“You are a twisted little mind… I respect that!”

So said Janet Fielding to Sylvester McCoy in their joint panel today.

Geez, this is the earliest I’ve written this weekend, yet I’m at my tiredest. The lack of sleep over the weekend is finally getting to me.

Today was another wonderful day at Gallifrey One. We decided to try Denny’s today and Estelle drove us to the restaurant. Dave somebody-or-other, a nice pediatrician from Illinois, joined us for breakfast and the six of us had a nice time talking and eating. Back at the hotel, we caught the second half of the Doctor Who Collectible Roadshow and once again, Emily was wonderful and had seats already saved for us.

Paul, Susannah Harker, and a fellow from BBCi talked about the making of Shada and Paul impressed everyone with his lungs when he shouted “Fire!” in a manner like Lt. Bush. The PMEB was notorious by this time and when they first arrived and Paul saw us all sitting in the same seats as the day before, he wondered if we’d slept there last night. Susannah didn’t really talk a lot, but she seemed to enjoy just listening to the answers and looking at Paul and his Brigade.

After the panel, it was off to the autograph line to wait and wait for McGann’s autograph session. The line was even longer than the McCoy line the day before, but we all stood and chatted and had a blast while waiting. I bought a nice Willy Wonka photo of McGann (aka the 8th Doctor) for $20 and had him sign it. (And, alas, the Sylv autograph line had a new BW photo that they hadn’t had the previous day and which is *not* in my collection. Perhaps I shall see it again — I just didn’t wish to wait in another long line just to get the photo.)

As McGann was leaving to fly back to England (he has a film shoot tomorrow, lucky guy) they had him pose by the very nice Dalek that some fans had made. We got quite a few shots of the pair. Quite a cute couple. 😉 But then Paul had to leave and we all were sad to see him go. Thrilled that he’d been there, of course.

Steph (hergrace) needed to get packed in order to leave (awwww) and when she returned, we gave lots of hugs. Then Denise, judiang, and I went back to the ballroom to await the Sylv & Janet panel. There were still some second and third row seats, so we watched the panel with Paul Darrow, Yee Jee Tso, and India Fisher on voice overs. I asked about how it was to make “Fly Me to the Moon” and India admitted that it was interesting to make (they recorded it live on audio after she’d toured with it) and, despite having Sylv in the live recording making the show fresh, she still didn’t care much for the play. I think she’d gotten tired of doing it during the initial tour.

Sylv and Janet were on next and were very entertaining. Gary Russell should be proud because quite a few people asked Janet if she’d do a Big Finish audio, and the usual answer was a cold stare and once a demand for the speaker to leave NOW. 🙂 At one point during a discussion about an alleged nekrophiliac, Janet said the above quote to Sylv, so it’s my quote of the day. They played off of each other well – the dirty old man and the militant feminist… 🙂 A rather fun panel and a nice way to end the convention for us.

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent looking for lupper and eventually supper. On the advice of the hotel, we went to the 94th Squadron for seafood, only to discover that we needed reservations to get in at a decent time *and* that the place wasn’t really a seafood restaurant. We did have drinks at the bar courtesy of Judi (thanks Judi!) and Estelle and I had virgin strawberry daiquiris, Denise had a Shirley Temple, and Judi got her usual mudslide. And then asked for sweetner to add to it… After the 20 minutes were up, we checked back with the hostess only to find out that it would be another half an hour before they could serve us. She took pity on us and tried to seat us in the bar with a rather frazzled waitress to wait on us. But after we looked at the menu and discovered that they really didn’t have a big seafood selection (and had prices that made us balk) we figured we could try something else. Estelle suggested the Cheesecake Factory and we agreed.

It took awhile to get to the joint – the something-or-other Galleria – which turned out to be an open-air mall. Rather cool. They had Fuddruckers, Tower Records, and other mall and upscale places. But Cheesecake Factory had an hour wait, and the Chinese place that we looked into, likewise. So we stopped into a fastfood Japanese joint (Hana Grill? I forget the name) for some pretty decent (and far less expensive than the “seafood” place) food. I got spicy chicken teryaki and (of course) California roll. It wasn’t too bad for “fast food.” Denise let me have one of her rice-filled bean curd thingies, which is a sweet dessert. It was good – like a donut stuffed with rice instead of donut fluff.

After supper, we headed back to the hotel and went up to Estelle’s room to gawk at all of her lovely Paul (and Sylv – yay!) photos. Great stuff. I eventually left Judi & Denise to pick out the top 10 McGann pix and Estelle and I came back here. She photographed the McGann shrine that Judi set up for Denise and we talked awhile. Then she headed back to her room (to wipe the drool off of her photos, I suspect) and I got online to type this up.

I think I’ll head for bed now, but first, a photo to whet your appetites for more to come. (Oh shush, of course it’s not a McGann picture!) Click here for the photo of Sylv.