Galley Ho!

Like several of my LJ friends, I’ll be heading off to the GallifreyOne convention in Van Nuys this weekend. I’ll be rooming with judiang, hergrace, and Denise, a fellow PMEBer. I’m mostly packed (not taking a whole lot) but still need to do laundry. Leo will be babysat (er, catsat?) by the parental units. And I’ll get to try out my new camera on something *other* than Leo! (I’ve suggested that I’ll take 250 Sylv pix leaving the rest to friends and the other guests…)

Dunno whether I’ll be posting to my LJ during the trip – will have to borrow the use of someone’s laptop (Judi???) But I’m sure I’ll keep a paper journal, which I’ll be sure to copy into LJ. So one way or another, you’ll have to get to read about my meeting Paul McGann and Janet Fielding for the first time and seeing Sylv again.

(I don’t leave until Friday, however, so I’ve got a ways to go before I actually get there…)