I’m here! And I’m exhausted!

It’s nearly 1am Pacific standard, which is nearly 4am Trina Time. Bleh. But I’m here at the hotel and have been watching people sing Karaoke. I’d much rather watch it than sing it. (I’d much rather be here writing about it than watching it, actually…) But we now know that hergrace and paygem can sing!

I even caught a glipse of Sylv already (getting drunk in the bar, it looked like), so it was a good day. And what made it a TRULY good day was that I finally got Metadot Portal working – yay! This is the program that I’ll be using to run the school website. And with 15 minutes to spare at work (after months of fiddling with it) I got it to work on both the soon-to-be webserver and the laptop. Yay!

So anyhoo, I’ve had a good start to a geeky weekend. 🙂

(PS – judiang, hergrace, and Denise (and several other PMEBers) got to meet Paul McGann already – yay girls!)


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