Random MP3s Meme…

thezzyzx did the following meme and I shall follow:
Step 1: Open your MP3/media player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random/shuffle.
Step 3: Write down the first fifteen songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.

OK, here I go (skipping out any Big Finish chapters that happen to appear as they’re not technically music):

  1. “Johanna” from Sweeney Todd
  2. “Hooked on Your Love” by En Vogue
  3. “Lo! How a Rose E’re Blooming” by R. Carlos Nakai & William Eaton
  4. “Watermark” by Enya
  5. “Bella (She’s All I Ever Had)” by Ricky Martin
  6. “Thing of Beauty” by Hothouse Flowers
  7. “Going Down to Liverpool” by the Bangles
  8. “Ride” by Robyn Hitchcock
  9. “I Am Made Of You” by Ricky Martin
  10. “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” by Johnny Cash
  11. “Stolen Kiss” by Ronan Hardiman
  12. “Sweet-A Little Baby” by Pete Seeger and the Kids
  13. “Your Funny Uncle” by Pet Shop Boys
  14. “Skating” by Vince Guaraldi
  15. “Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me and My Monkey” by the Beatles

Wow – how did two Ricky Martin songs get in there? I only own the one album. And I’m surprised no Chumbawamba or Monkees made it in there. Turns out in the top 15 there were 3 Big Finish chapters – the first from Jubilee, the second from Chimes of Midnight and the third from Zagreus. (Odd, none of those are McCoy stories…) It’s also interesting the number of Christmas songs that appeared. Fascinating, really… 🙂