Eye Candy for YOU the Viewer!

Been playing around with my many pix of McGann and McCoy from Gallifrey 2004, so I decided to put several of them up. Enjoy!

McGann plays with his socks.
McGann plays with his socks.

Paul has something to say.
Paul has something to say.

Dark photo of McGann.
Dark photo of McGann.

Picture of my current wallpaper!
Picture of my current wallpaper! (And Judi’s on her laptop, if she still hasn’t changed it back to James Marsters or whatever it had before hand.)

McCoy looks startled.
McCoy looks startled.

Sylv gets ambushed in the TARDIS.
Sylv gets ambushed in the TARDIS.

Sylv listens to questions.
Sylv listens to questions.

Sylv seems pleased to meet this McGann fellow.
Sylv seems pleased to meet this McGann fellow.

Two mates having a laugh.
Two mates having a laugh.

McCoy and McGann.
McCoy and McGann.

So there ya go – hope the time to download all the pictures wasn’t too terrible. (Let’s hear it for Broadband!)

One of these days I’ll do a proper website on Galley’04 which includes real people as well as celebs. 🙂