Gettin’ Wiggy With It!

OK, so trinalin’s in a silly mood tonight. Actually, I got the idea last night when I made my “Gettin’ Wiggy With It!” LJ icon, but I decided to go through with it tonight.

Here’s my idea – most of my friends have favorite actors/actresses/obsessions and I’m sure many of said objects d’art have worn wigs in at least one of their roles (well, I can’t think of any for Peter Davison yet, but I’m working on it – ah! elsaf‘s just reminded me – Elmer in The Tomorrow People). I’ve made a McGann as Doc8 icon for judiang and she’s promised to post a GIP tonight.

So, get out your favorite photo of your obsession in a wig and make an icon with it and you’ll be “Gettin’ Wiggy With It!” too!

11 thoughts on “Gettin’ Wiggy With It!

  1. Have pictures of said Elmer… Feel free to grab. Samantha put them up just recently… 😀 Ah, Davison…

    1. Ah – thanks for the offer, but I just went to my Man for Emily DVD and took a Davison shot from there. I made an icon last night as my computer was crashing – perhaps today after school I can fix it up some and have it available for anyone who wants it.

  2. >.< I was going to do a Bonnie Langford one, but I can never tell if it's actually a wig she's wearing or if she's just dyed/styled her hair differently.

    1. This being the problem I have with Bowie aside from Jareth and I already have a Jareth icon… anyone think of a Tony Head wig thing?

    1. Wow! That’s impressive! Now Drake just needs to make one with the blonde Tara King and we can have another female in the collection. 🙂

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