Photo Mounting Update

As I suspected, the 250 Transparent Photo Corners just weren’t enough. I still have nearly 40 photos to mount on card before I’m done with the McCoy pix. I decided to count up the photos (since I like numbers) and discovered that I have 75 photos of Sylv (either alone or with folks) which are color, and 30 which are black & white. And you know, I know there are some out there that I don’t have! 🙂

My electronic collection of photos is even more extensive (well over 500 photos, but there may be duplicates there that I haven’t thinned out yet). Remember, that’s just the McCoy ones. When I do a search on my computer for any graphics image (other than clipart) I get nearly 5000 files. Good grief! Thank goodness for huge hard drives!

Once I used up my corners, I had some time to kill before bedtime, so I made a couple more LJ icons. Still haven’t played around with animated ones yet. One of these days, maybe.