Down down down Doobie Doo down down

No, it’s not me that’s down, but my website. Currently, Pagefillers isn’t working. Gah! That means my main e-mail isn’t working. And my various pictures and files that I link to with LiveJournal aren’t working either. I’ve put in a request to InMotionHosting’s tech support. Now to see how long it takes ’em to sort it out. I hate the wait…

Today’s been a nice, lazy day. It started out going off to the UU Church in New Madison to listen to dad preach about the Pharisee and the Publican. It lead to a wonderful discussion afterwards with the congregation. I like dad’s parable sermons – good stuff. Like parables themselves, his sermons makes you think. We went to Wendy’s for lunch and I had the Mandarin Chicken Salad (ok, and fries…)

After church, it was naptime. Leo sometimes sat with me, but mostly he played around the room. Around 3:30 mom came over and we popped popcorn and watched The Italian Job (the remake). Then I got online to discover my site was down. Grrr. So now I’m eating supper (just a mix & match of stuff – starting with peach Fruit on the Bottom yogurt – yum!) and listening to Rhapsody.

Speaking of the music listening bit, I’ve listened to the Von Blondies, but should probably check out their entire collection since the sampler had few songs. Also listened to Bowie and Kate Bush – got some good stuff there. Then the Ramones, where I discovered half of their songs all start the exact same way. But the music is catchy (and hey, you get to learn the tunes pretty easily ;-). The Dixie Chicks were next and I liked what I heard there (and I did think of hergrace when “Goodbye Earl” was playing). I think mom would really like them too. Just enough “pickin’ and grinnin'” to satisfy her Bluegrass Gospel love. I’m now going through the two Hothouse Flowers albums I found on Rhapsody (a group I first heard on Lovejoy and have been moderately interested in since). After them it will be The Cramps then The White Stripes. I can’t remember now who suggested the Cramps (drake57?), but I know that elsaf likes The White Stripes.

I’m still taking suggestions, so if you can think of someone you think I should give a listen to, let me know and I’ll seek them out.

Anyhoo, back to growling at InMotionHosting. OK, so this is the first downtime I’ve ever had with them, but it’s still frustrating.

8 thoughts on “Down down down Doobie Doo down down

  1. Hi there! Sorry about the post response messup earlier today. May I link to your page when I update StarCrossed?

      1. It’s my personal page…lots of crazy fic offerings…I have a Who and Whorelated links page. StarCrossed I would love add it to the links. I’ve looked at Pagefiller before. Hehe. I agree like that too…

  2. Yep i suggested the Cramps 🙂 as Lux Interior (lead singer of the Cramps) says….Stay Sick 🙂

    1. I’ve playlisted her now too. She’s got to wait until I get through the Grunge & Punk bands I’ve got in front of her. Thanks!

  3. You could also try The Hives (who had an album called ‘You New Favourite Band’). The Strokes are OK, but I think they haven’t really understood the moment when the bass and drums start really kicking in. Or maybe I’ve just listened to the Ramones too much. Oh! The Violent Femmes! Mags

    1. The Ramones are OK but I don’t know if I’ll listen to them regularly (sorry drake57!) but I think I’m liking the Violent Femmes. I’ve also playlisted The Hives and The Strokes. (And since I got to thinking about the Barenaked Ladies, I playlisted them too.) Hmmm, when did I start liking Grunge and Punk? Heh.

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