As if I don’t have enough icons as it is… But while responding to one of shebit‘s journal entries just now, I was inspired to make one in honor of folks getting older. Indeed, this May 1st I shall be turning 33 1/3. And before then, on April 1st, judiang will be turning – well, I shan’t tell you, but it’s been awhile since she was 33 1/3. Heh. 🙂

So Judi and anyone else with an upcoming (or recently going) birthday, this icon’s for you! 🙂

5 thoughts on “GIP!

  1. And before then, on April 1st, [info]judiang will be turning – well, I shan’t tell you, but it’s been awhile since she was 33 1/3. *FWAP*

  2. I feel older then the measly 15 years I have lived through some times. It isn’t exactly normal to wake someone up when your joints crack in the morning. Especially if they are in a different room… Still, I love that icon so much. Where do you get all those diverse and wonderful pictures from??

    1. I feel older then the measly 15 years Gah! 15! I’m over twice your age!!! Where do you get all those diverse and wonderful pictures from?? From my collection of Sylv pix, of course. 😉 This one is the Lord Chancellor from See It Saw It. I’ve been trolling online for pix since 1995 – back when I had a 2400 baud modem. (It wasn’t long before I upgraded to a 14,400 baud modem!!)

      1. I trawl a lot, but only find small and bad quality pics that may as well be prince charles crossed with a dog. *Frowns at internet in general* I shall examine your site closer and print off any more pics I may have missed…

  3. Hey Trina, I didn’t know how to contact you, but I’ve put up my philosophy papers on the internet. There were two you wanted to read dealing with evolution and intelligent design. Here is the link: Be sure to read “In the Beginning” before “Bridging the Great Divide”: As always, Steve

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