A Day of Nice Surprises…

Today was a good day (current sinus headache notwithstanding). It started out nice enough by my waking up oily in the morning and being confused about which day of the week it was. After a few minutes of puzzling things out, I realized it was Saturday and thus, I got to SLEEP IN! Woohoo!

After my lovely lie in, (wherein every hour Leo would come by and rattle the phone to let me know he thought I should be up) I took my time getting ready for the day. While I was checking my e-mail and other online fixtures, I was delighted to discover I had over 275,000 gold in Kings of Chaos which, with a few judicial expenditures, I was able to use to upgrade my siege weaponry to Ladders. Yeah, that means nothing to most of you, but it was still cool. (Feel free to click the link and give me more men!)

Then I headed off to Curves. Half an hour later, it was time to go SHOPPING! Always a joy, in my book. I started at WalMart (stop gritting your teeth, Amy!) and found a set of metal jaffa block style thingies for only $11 – cool! Picked up the stuff I needed and some other things that I didn’t really need but wanted anyhoo. Needed to go to Staples (an office store) to complete Judi’s birthday gift. They had a set of 100 blank CD-Rs for $15, so I got that too.

I intend to make some banana bread this weekend before the bananas I have turn black, so I needed a bread pan. So off to Kohl’s to buy a Calphalon bread pan. While there, I discovered they had a 3-piece set of bread pan, 8″ square baking pan, and jelly roll sheet for only $25 – got that and a $13 Calphalon cookie sheet – woohoo!

The final shopping stop was Meijers for a few groceries. After parking out in the boonies as I did for the other three shops, I ended up nice and close to the door here. Not only that, but our lovely warm drizzly day was turning into a lovely warm spring day. Not only was I able to leave the jacket in the car, but I also had to have the a/c on! YAY!

Got home and made a late lunch (left over tofu fried rice) and watched 28 Days Later. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked the movie and even more surprised to see Naomi Harris in it – I’d last seen her in the new Tomorrow People series (playing my favorite new Tomorrow Person). During the movie, mom called out to me from my window, so Leo and I went outside for a bit to talk to the parentals and to let Leo enjoy the sunshine. (Um, OK, so he was on a harness – I know I once laughed at a little old lady who had her cat on the leash, but Leo’s not an outside cat… And I’m an overprotective mom, I admit.)

So I had a lovely day and it’s only just these last few hours that my head has gotten 10lbs heavier due to the sinuses. But I don’t really mind it tonight. 🙂