Double Rainbows!

Just got a phone call from mom a few minutes ago to tell me there was a double rainbow in the sky. So, being the science geek that I am, I took my digital camera with me and stood out on the back stoop taking photos.

Single Rainbow.
I managed to catch the double rainbow in all but this photo, which is a great photo of the “bow” shape.

Double Rainbow over the garage.
Here is a double rainbow over my garage. You can just see the secondary rainbow to the right of the main one.

Other side of Double Rainbow.
Here is the other side of the double rainbow.

The same, but with with a house in the background.
This shot has one of my neighbor’s houses in shot to give a sense of scale.

Some interesting facts about rainbows (from your friendly neighborhood physics teacher):

  • Rainbows are complete circles, but the horizon usually gets in the way.
  • The sun (or other light source) must be behind you and the clouds/rain must be in front in order for you to see a rainbow.
  • Your eyes to the rainbow make a 42° angle.
  • Rainbows have both reflection *and* refraction occurring – one reflection in the water drop and two refractions.
  • Since different colors of light refract differently, the more times you can refract light, the more separated the colors become.
  • The secondary rainbow is due to a second reflection taking place in the droplets of water.
  • Notice how the secondary rainbow is fainter and has a reverse color order than the primary rainbow.

There’s a lot more to be said for rainbows, but I’ll let you find out about them yourselves.

11 thoughts on “Double Rainbows!

  1. Damn Australian Sky *glares out window* Very nice pictures though. I wonder if we could convince Sylv to dress as a leprechaun and sit at the end of the rainbow *Yes, I know they’re circles, but who says we can confuse the poor man :D)

    1. Ach! I didn’t think to use my Leprechaun icon for this post! For the non-St. Pat’s day time of the year, I should replace this icon with one that doesn’t say “Happy St. Pat’s!”

  2. Ooo I love rainbows. I also love the fact that science has a pretty side, which is probably why I love geology so much. Yes sadly I am a mineral hound, not to mention enthusiastic spelunker. Rocks you throw at rabbits, minerals you keep… Also cave safely if you die we split your gear *grins wickedly*

    1. I hate to say it, but anything that smacks vaguely of Earth Science, I tend to forget. Not that much better about Life Science, though…

  3. Its nice to know even though Im done with college I can still learn something:) Thanks and very cool pictures Trina Bob

  4. Those pictures are really awesome!! We had double rainbows today in Oxford Ohio today too. It was paired with a wonderful sunset too. Something good comes out of a rainy gloomy day!

  5. WOW… totally kewl pics. I love sky pics, clouds, rainbows, stars. Just AWSOME. This coming from your bird-brain friend in VA. *takes flight* See you later toots!!!!!!

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