
I tell ya, elsaf is a marvel! She baked and cooked and cleaned and cooked and cleaned again until she dropped. And it was all worth it.

judiang arrived today, as I said, and then it was time for EATING! Elsa made us pizzas (I had pineapple and onion on mine) and for dessert we had the No Pudge Brownies I baked along side the homemade Bailey’s Irish Cream ice cream that Elsa made. Judi and I then kicked *butt* on Kings of Chaos. It was fun!

For supper, Elsa outdid herself. We started with shrimp cocktail and caesar salad (homemade dressing). The second course was beet soup (with a bit of apple) – my first sampling of beets and beet soup. ‘Twas good! For the main course, we had stuffed mushrooms, roasted leg of lamb, spaetzl (little dumplings), cooked spinach (again, a first for me), and rolls (not from scratch, actually). Finally, for dessert was pineapple cake with pineapple & cream cheese icing, and, of course, the Bailey’s ice cream.

After watching Thursday’s Wonderfalls we washed the dishes (birthday girl washed – she insisted! I dried, and Elsa put away). Now it’s relaxation time for us while we watch the complete series of The Tick on DVD. Which is good cuz I’m tired! (I suspect Judi will insist upon drinks later… the fiend!)

Judi’s Arrived!

We had perfect timing at the airport, but still missed each other the first time around… elsaf and I pulled up to the Northwest terminal and I got out. Elsa’s phone rang before I’d completely left the car (but I didn’t hear it). I went in door One and then judiang came out door Two. So then I found the baggage carousel, but they were done with her flight. I turned around, looking for Judi when she called to me. She’d already put her bag in Elsa’s car and was looking for me.

So, that all done, we arrived back at Elsa’s and she’s now making us PIZZA!

Sleepy Treen in Detroit!

Well, I made it here OK! 3 1/2 hours driving and I’m exhausted. But I’m safely ensconced at elsaf‘s house. I’m in the spare bedroom on Elsa’s computer while she’s in the living room on a laptop. We’re talking to judiang on AIM. I love being a geek!
