Little Kids

Not sure I’m ready for my own little kids, but it’s fun to visit family with their little ones. Had a couple of “too damn cute” moments this evening in dealing with the 4 year old (Sydney) and the 7 year old (Taylor) – both girls. Sydney wanted to show me and Granny her cheer, which she’d learned from Taylor, but she couldn’t spell yet. So she’d say “Gimme an N!” then “Gimme a Y” then “Gimme a C” and she had no idea what it spelled. “New York City!” I shouted. (She was trying to spell King.)

A little bit later, Taylor asked me how to spell “Zyland.” “Why do you want to know that?” “So I can tell Sydney how to spell it.” “But what’s ‘zyland’?” “You know, like King Zyland.” I had to laugh. There’s an amusement park in our state called King’s Island. I explained to Taylor what an island was and that it probably belonged to somebody named King. We decided that King’s Island was a small island, but I assured her that the United Kingdom was a much bigger island. “Oh yes, I’ve been to the United Kingdom” Taylor assured me. “You have?” “Yeah, I like Disney.” Another explanation was in order…

I escaped for a bit to talk with adults for awhile, but then Sydney called me out saying “I wanna show you some of the crazy things that I do.” At least she’s honest! 🙂

Anyway, they were fun to watch and talk with, but they wore me out. And Sydney kept giving me bits of candy from her basket, and who am I to turn away Reese Cups and Kit-Kats? Despite my being tired, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping well tonight! 🙂

Happy Easter!

I thought that, since I’ll be doing the “Low-pressure environments” tests on Peeps this week for Chemistry, I should link to one of the greatest science sites out there. Peep Research is a classic. Formerly blown up Peeps are (a) smaller than the original, (b) chewier than the original, and (c) just as tasty as the original. 🙂

Turns out neither of Becky’s boys (and their families) were at the noon gathering at Granny’s. They’ll all be at the supper one, maybe. 😉 So it was fun just having lunch with “the adults and Trina” as Aunt Becky said. I did end up getting things for the little ones. I ransacked my Easter box in the closet and found stuffed toys for the little ones and Brandi and from my toy box, I got a cool science gooey toy for Chris. Deanna gets $20 for me (which she can use on alcohol if she wants, being as how she’s legal now).

I’ve been cleaning off my desk today and making CDs for folks and stuff. Will probably be heading back to Granny’s for Easter Part II. 🙂

Hope everyone’s been having a good day! And Happy Birthday to dreethal!

Mood Theme!

I found this cute mood theme from enthymeme while looking through lj_art. The URL for the whole theme (and instructions) are here. I think this theme should tide me over until I make my own. (Haven’t decided if I’ll do a Leo theme or Sylv theme…)