Amaretto Sour

Mmmmmm – after a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG day at work, it’s nice to sit back with your mates and drink an amaretto sour. We had parent/teacher conferences tonight, which meant we were at the school from 7:30am until 7:00pm. But since we worked a second day today, we have tomorrow off. I’m gonna sleep in, then go to a tech meeting. (What is it with me and going to meetings on my time off?????)

Anyhoo, after the long day, I went off to meet the usual lot at BW3’s. I ordered an amaretto sour (which I tasted when mom got it the last time she was there and decided I liked) and 4 boneless wings. Turns out on Thursdays they have their boneless wings for only 40 cents, so I spent $1.60 plus tax on my wings and Gary bought my drink, so it was a cheap evening for Treen. I liked the amaretto sour, though it took me a long time to drink it. (Just as well, I had to drive home yet.) I also drank water while eating and drinking. Made it home OK, too. 🙂

So, off to play more of Diablo II and then to bed.

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