Zealous Shrub Trimmer part deux

One picture is worth a thousand “ughs”!

Trina's morning task - bleh!
Trina’s morning task – bleh!

Anyhoo, I’m done moving bracken and branches and mowing the lawn and cleaning out the litter boxes and only have 2 more hours of laundry to do, so I’m off to have a late lunch/early supper.

3 thoughts on “Zealous Shrub Trimmer part deux

  1. Ew YUK. I can honestly say I didn’t have that much work with my yard. In fact my father is out there tireless working on it as I type. He finally sent me in saying that he didn’t mind and since I was crampy bitchy and all around weepy that he’d be more than happy to do it for me. *whew* Looks like you got a load done. *smiles* good job!

    1. *smiles* good job! Thanks! I think I’m almost healed up from all the exertion. Doing Curves yesterday wasn’t much fun. 😉 It was nice that your dad was able to help you out. Usually my folks are good for helping in tasks like that, but they were in Pennsylvania this past weekend. They were surprised (and pleased) by my yardwork prowess. 🙂

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