Dental Recommendations…

Today was my twice-yearly dentist appointment. I’ve been going to the same guy for nearly 30 years. He made a bundle of money from my parent’s teeth1, but has been pissed off that he hasn’t been able to do the same with my sister and me2. After the dental hygienist finished x-raying and cleaning my teeth, he popped in to give me the $28 “adult exam.”3 That’s 5 seconds of poking about in the mouth, 5 seconds of moving my tongue around, and some sage advice. To improve the quality of my teeth, I’m to start drinking 6 Mt. Dews a day and eat lots of caramel. 😉

The caramel bit is tempting, but goes against my Portion Control Project. Mt. Dew, OTOH – blech! I can’t believe I used to drink that. I’ll stick with water from now on.

  1. They didn’t have great dentists growing up. Once they started going to Bentley’s their teeth got much better.
  2. Dr. Bentley once took dad aside and with a real serious look on his face, told him to buy me a car when I turned 16. “That girl will never need braces,” he told dad. So, since I saved dad a bundle in dental bills, did he get me a car? Of course not. 😉
  3. Before you rush off to bitch to your dentist about their outrageous prices compared to mine, I’ll state the rest of the bill. $52 for the Adult Cleaning. $35.00 for the 4 bitewings. So a total of $115.00. Gah!

7 thoughts on “Dental Recommendations…

    1. I did last year. It was a waste of my money. Bleh, stupid CompuDent. We get $450 that we can use for medical reimbursement, so I’ll use that to cover the dental costs. (Indeed, I doubt if I’ll use the entire $450 this year. Thanks to my wonderful ex-dental insurance, I got screwed out of my reimbursement from October’s dental visit. Long story.) What I want to know is, what happens to the extra money if you don’t use it? Does the school (who put the $450 in the fun originally) get it back? I doubt it.

  1. My dentist is odd. He is very good, but has some of the worst teeth I have seen in Canberra. Poo. There is a mountain made out of Dew…Huh? *is sadly confused like a watermelon* …I love your random Sylv pics, I truly do.

    1. He is very good, but has some of the worst teeth I have seen in Canberra. If you go to a town that has only 2 barbers, go to the barber with the worst haircut. After all, who do you suppose cut his hair? 😉 There is a mountain made out of Dew…Huh? It’s a carbonated beverage that’s horribly sweet and highly caffeinated. I put a link to several Mt. Dew sites in the original post. …I love your random Sylv pics, I truly do. Ta! You might have noticed I’ve added a few more pictures… 😉

        1. Good grief, no caffeine? Back when I was a kid, I would have loved that. By the time they came out with caffeine free Mt. Dew in the States, I couldn’t stand the taste of it anymore. (I’ve never been good with caffeine and it’s never been good to me.)

      1. Ta! You might have noticed I’ve added a few more pictures… 😉 I have indeed. Very nice new pictures too.

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