Sleepy Treen in Detroit!

Well, I made it here OK! 3 1/2 hours driving and I’m exhausted. But I’m safely ensconced at elsaf‘s house. I’m in the spare bedroom on Elsa’s computer while she’s in the living room on a laptop. We’re talking to judiang on AIM. I love being a geek!


Motor City, Here I Come!

Just about to head off to Detroit for a fun-filled weekend with the Girls (elsaf and judiang). We’ll be celebrating Judi’s birthday and watching the stage production of The Lion King and eating good food. Alas, The Second Coming DVD set didn’t arrive in time, so we won’t be previewing the New Doctor Who. But I can show those to them Memorial Day weekend instead. (I am bringing season 1 of Black Books with hopes to get 2 more converts!)

Since Elsa’s place is wired to the gills, I’ll probably be able to keep in touch from there. Of course, that’s if we (three very geeky women) have any time for geeking… 😉

See ya soon, Girls! (Today’s icon in honor of Judi’s Birthday Week.)

GIP & April Fool’s!

You know you’re addicted to LiveJournal when you suddenly think of an LJ icon you can design… while your students are coming into chemistry class. *sigh* Anyhoo, I managed to remember the design idea and just made the icon. I figure I can use this all year ’round, not just on April Fool’s Day.

I hope y’all didn’t get tricked too many times today. I was lucky to miss out on most of the pranks going on at school. There was practically an April Fool’s war going on in the HS office. I was most amused. Oh, and the teacher’s union gave everyone mini-Easter baskets full of good candy (damn them!) in honor of the upcoming holiday (which takes place during our spring break.)

Speaking of Spring Break – only one more day until Spring Break! And tomorrow should be easy enough. Chemistry has a test, physics has a worksheet. Then dad and I go to El Sombrero for the monthly county tech meeting. And then I get to drive to Detroit to meet up with elsaf and eventually with judiang. Should be a fabby weekend. (And something tells me that I’ll be able to stay in touch online while there…)

And I’ll once again say “Happy Birthday” to shebit and judiang – hope you’ve had a blast today!