Peach Ice Cream

When I got home from school today, I started making peach ice cream. I started with Elsa’s Bailey’s Irish Cream ice cream recipe and modified it a bit. So far, it tastes good. I think I should have cut out some of the Half & Half, however, since the mixer became over full once it was done freezing. And it’ll be interesting to see how the texture goes when I try the set ice cream tomorrow. Here’s the recipe, for those curious:

3 cups of Half & Half (I think probably 2 1/2 cups would have sufficed)
4 peaches, peeled and then pureed
1 small pkg of Egg Beaters
3/4 cup of Splenda

Mix and pour into ice cream mixer. 25 minutes later, voila!

Some of the ice cream stuck to the side of the ice cream freezer bucket, so I let it sit a bit and later poured the somewhat thawed goo into a cup. Mmmm, peach milkshake! 🙂

Tomorrow, maybe, I’ll figure out the calories and whatnot. And let you know how the final thing turned out.

EDIT: Before you try this recipe out, wait until I get the kinks worked out. I ended up with white ice that tastes of peaches instead of peach ice cream. I think I sprained my wrist scraping enough “ice cream” out into my bowl.