House Painting Part 2

Alas, today was rainy all day, so I didn’t get any final pictures of the painted house done. But I do have 3 pictures taken midway through the job.

South Side During Job
As you can see, the south side of the house required a lot of primer. You can get a glimpse of the final product on the left side of the picture.

Garage with Primer
The front of the garage was also a chief candidate for primer and lots of it.

South Window During Job
If you remember the first picture from yesterday’s post, here’s how that window fared during the job.

Since it was a rainy day, I spent a good deal of time cleaning the house. Got the kitchen cleaned and it and the living room vacuumed. I even put the vacuum cleaner away – oooh! When it was time for supper, I decided that I wanted to make a curry. And I wanted to share it with the folks. So I called ’em and invited them over for supper. Mom and I rented several movies this morning when we were out for Curves (and, um, Waffle House for breakfast) including Calendar Girls. She brought it over and we had curry on rice and watched the movie. Fun movie! And Annette Crosbie was in it, too! I’ve been a fan of hers ever since I first saw One Foot in the Grave. Doctor Who and Waiting for God fans may be interested to know that Graham Crowden played her husband. It’s a movie about a group of middle aged women who decide to make a nude calendar of themselves for charity. I may have to get that DVD for my collection later. 🙂