House Painting Part 3

It started out a cloudy day, but the clouds finally cleared and I took some photos of the house. I’ve paralleled them somewhat with my first post about my house painting.

South Side Window
Here’s that south side window which looked so horrible after the power wash. An improvement, no?

South Side Other Window
Here is the other south side window.

West Side Window
The windows on the west side also got a complete makeover. No more faux shutter lines! (Big tree shadow, OTOH.)

Garage, South Side
The south side of the garage was vastly improved by the new paint job…

Garage, West Side
…as was the front of the garage.

Kitchen Door
Leo sits on, approving of the new paint job.

Whole House, Front View
And to finish my photos, here’s a picture of the front of my house. You can see the Student Painters sign in the yard. I’ll keep it there for awhile yet.

Taking photos wasn’t my only enjoyment of the day. I decided last night that I wanted to see a movie and turns out Mean Girls was at the Piqua Mall. And those darn Red Lobster commercials with the Jumbo Shrimp have been bothering me lately – and coincidentally, there’s a Red Lobster near the mall… So I knew what my plans for the day were. I had lunch at Red Lobster and then walked around the mall awhile until the movie started. While there, I found out that they’ve FINALLY re-released most of George Harrison’s stuff. Still, I was *not* going to spend $20 to buy Cloud Nine at a mall CD store. (I, instead, ordered it from when I got home. And All Things Must Pass, which I’ve pondered buying but had yet to get around to. I have the former on tape and the latter as an LP, but wanted them on CD.)

A couple of minutes before the movie started, I got to a nice seat in the middle of the theater. Matinee prices at this place are $3.50, so I prefer going to the Piqua Mall Cinemark than to the Teicher theaters in Troy. The theater is a better theater, too. So I sat through 5 forgettable commercials and maybe 7 forgettable promos before the movie started. My sister, Amy, had suggested that I go see it. And, as usually is the case, she was right to suggest it. I enjoyed the movie and laughed a lot. Ah, if only I’d done some of the mean girl things when I was in school! 😉

I’ve been goofing off the rest of the day. Probably should have done laundry, but I still have clean underwear, so there’s no rush. I did let Leo go play in the basement for awhile. He enjoyed that. And I was able to salvage the failure that was my peach ice cream. (I ended up with white ice that tastes of peaches rather than ice cream). I cut it into blocks and found that when you nuke a block a bit (to soften it) and then mix it with my drinks mixer, you have a nice peach milk shake. 🙂 I think’ll get a recipe from my Ultimate Ice Cream recipe book (that Elsa got me for Christmas) for my next ice cream attempt. Judi wants pineapple ice cream for Memorial Day weekend. I’ll have to look for that so I can attempt it before she arrives.
