Yard Work

While I was mowing the lawn this evening, I was trying to figure out why I hated it so much. Yes, it is hard work. I’m rather lazy. However, I do hard work a lot, despite being lazy. It can be near hell during the middle of the summer. However, we had a lovely spring evening tonight while I was mowing. When I get done, my hands feel like they’re still vibrating, but that’s really more funky than frustrating. So I think it all goes down to one thing – I used to have to mow the lawn when I was a kid. Cleaning the kitchen and mowing the lawn were the two tasks that I had to fulfill as an indentured slave under mom & dad. Oddly enough, those are two tasks that I now despise doing… Coincidence? I think NOT! 🙂

Anyway, I think I might try to mow my lawn myself this year, rather than pay someone to do it. It’s good exercise for me and it’s less expensive. Especially if I conveniently forget to reimburse mom and dad for the gasoline. (I use their lawn mower.)

So, an hour and a half after I started (and as the sun was quickly setting in the west) I finished with the lawn (even raking it). I still hate doing it, but it’s always nice when it’s done!