Off to the Lake!

judiang‘s here next to me as I type this. Picked her up from the airport around 4:30 and then took her to BW3s to meet some of my co-workers. I had an Amaretto Sour (no surprise) and she had a Mudslide (no surprise – she added sugar to it too, again, no surprise). She had wings and I had a chicken tender wrap. And she finished it all with a strawberry margarita (frozen). Quite fun – and it was nice for my friends to finally meet this Judi that I’ve been talking about. Gary insists now that Judi must go to Charlie Trotters and report back to him. She says it’ll be months before she’ll be able to get in, however. 🙂

We’re going to head off to the Lake as soon as we update our LiveJournals. Time for a fun weekend with the girls! elsaf drives down tomorrow and we’ll grill out lots and sit out lots and go see Shrek 2 and all sorts of fun stuff. Homemade pineapple ice cream and pineapple upside down cake AND fresh pineapple. Gee, think maybe Judi’s with us?

BTW, Drake – we’ve had to reschedule the “money transfer” until later since You Know Who used up all her frickin’ attack turns!!!!