Audio Book Woes Finale – for sure!

I received an e-mail from Peter Royle of today regarding my Quest to Purchase Big George. He said not to worry about Mrs Harmon – they will send her another set. And I can keep the Great Expectations for myself. (I might do as he suggested and donate it to a local library. I’ll know better once I read who is in the cast.) So Mean Trina didn’t have to fight with Nice Trina over whether to send the package on. YAY! Royle also said that he would inform the head of logistics about the postage problem. Perhaps they’ll get it sorted out some day. And should I ever need to order something from them again (like, for example, Sylv reading another audio book) they’ll send it to me with free postage. That’s nice. 🙂

So, apart from a rather loud and obnoxious burp, Chivers is doing what they can for their customers. (You know, there may well be another copy of Big George floating around in postal limbo – if it ever arrives here, I’ll have to auction it off to the highest bidder! Heh.)