Bowling for Dollars

One of the last activities that judiang and I did for the weekend was go bowling. Yesterday, we ended up going to Steak & Shake for lunch rather than Dunaways (the Irish Pub in Troy) which was yummy (mmmm – peach shake!) Then we went to one of two bowling alleys that are in Troy.

There were only two other people bowling and one of them was done before we actually got started. The other finished about halfway through our game. I kind of felt sorry for the employees who were watching the empty place.

Now, just to preface this, Judi and I suck at bowling. We both freely admit it. One of the previous times when we were bowling, neither of us could do as well as the little girls who were bowling next to us. Our main goal is to knock pins down each frame. Then, if we can, to maybe get a spare or a strike. We’d love to break a hundred – and back when I was bowling more regularly, I have done that.

Breaking 100 was not to be for us that day, alas. However, in the first game, I had 6 gutterballs in the first three frames and wasn’t able to catch up with Judi. She ended with a score of 78 to my 71. Both of us had gotten a strike in the first throw of the 10th frame, and we felt pretty impressed.

In the second game, I was finally starting to warm up and after taking turns being in the lead, I came back at the end with 2 strikes in the 10th frame for a score of 93. Judi was a consistent 77. After a 5 minute break, we started the third game, where I took the lead in the first frame and refused to give it up. I came the closest to 100 yet – 96. Judi was still consistent with a score of 80. Certainly some of our better bowling (even if it does suck). 🙂

After the game, we returned to my place where I put Judi back together again with some furious back rubbing and a hot pad. Then we headed off to the airport once again. *sniff* farewell to Judi!

On the way home, I stopped for Chinese for the ‘rents and me and we had General Tso’s and Mu Shu Chicken for supper. Mmmm!

I only worked 2 1/2 hours today and have been napping and vegging the rest of the day. Ah, summer vacation!

One thought on “Bowling for Dollars

  1. …I tried to scroll quickly before the random Sylv pic loaded, but the it got there first. *sniffle*. *two minutes of gazing later* Pity Judi is gone…Oh well, enjoy the rest of your, um, rest 😛

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