Taste of Chicago, Day 2

We’re sitting in Judi’s flat watching The Daily Show as we wind down. Afterwards, we’ll watch an episode of Dead Like Me and an Eddie Izzard concert. But I’m here to type up about the day’s activities.

elsaf woke up first, me second, and, as usual, judiang last. I had a combo of Total & Raisin Bran for breakfast and uploaded pictures from the first day of the Taste. (Will probably upload today’s pictures tomorrow morning.) Around 11am, we headed over to Bar Louis (which is right next to Judi’s apartment) for lunch. I had a chicken pesto panini and French fries. Very tasty sandwich. Lance was with us – we sat outside and he was just outside of the patio area, slutting for pats. (He found 3 victims.) Judi returned him to the apartment and then we headed off to the bus stop.

We were waiting for the number 29 bus. After half an hour of waiting, Elsa and I were beginning to doubt the existance of the number 29 bus. But it then showed up and we squeezed in. We were heading for the AMC theatre near Navy Pier. We arrived with 10 minutes to spare before the 1pm showing of Spider-Man 2. (The matinee price was $7.50!!!!! I could watch 2 matinees at Piqua and have change for, um, change!) But Judi had to order popcorn and pop, so we ended up walking in as the first trailer began. There were a number of interesting trailers, and then the movie began. Judi and I enjoyed the flick, Elsa wasn’t as pleased with it. I’ll probably get the DVD if it’s cheap. 🙂

As we left the theater and turned on the sound of our cell phones, Judi discovered that miz_em had called. She informed us that she wouldn’t be able to join us tonight due to a problem concerning her husband. Alas! *hugs* to Emily and her hubby. We might be able to meet up with her tomorrow night.

We walked from the AMC to Navy Pier and wandered down the pier. When we got to Haagen Dazs, I got a Bailey’s Irish Cream Shake for $6.50. Yes, it’s a bit more expensive than what I pay at the mall, but it was bigger than the mall ones. Mmmmm, and so tasty. We sat and watched a tall ship sail around and enjoyed the glorious weather. Once we finished with our ice cream, we continued down the pier. Judi saw a sign for the Smith Museum of Stained Glass – she’d never noticed it before. We went inside and looked at the beautiful stained glass.

This museum viewing brought us back to the start of the pier, so we made our way back to the bus stop. So, how long would the #29 take to arrive? Only 25 minutes this time. Amazing! We got to sit for the trip back to the apartment and when we arrived, we fought our way off the bus. We did a quick stop at the Ace Hardware near Judi’s place to get a set of nice measuring cups and an ice cream scoop. Then back to the flat so Trina (the cat lover, note) could walk Lance. Judi’s not convincing me that dogs are better than cats. They’re a hell of a lot of more work.

We sat for a bit, but by 7pm, we figured we should head to Taste for supper. Once again, I spent $21 on 33 tickets (and had 5 left from the day before). At Hey Sushi, I got the taste portion of tempura calamari and Elsa let me have a bite of her red bean fried rice. At Kasia’s Deli, I got a potato and a spinach pierogi. At Sweet Baby Ray’s I got the taste portion of the “Boss” BBQ pork sandwich. Continuing the Taste tradition, I got the taste portion of Pad Thai from Star of Siam. (I fell in love with pad thai thanks to Star of Siam and Taste of Chicago.) I got a chicken tamale from El Pollo Loco and missed out on the borek (spinach & feta pie) just as I did the year before. (They sell out of this often, it seems. Maybe tomorrow!) I consoled myself with a chocolate covered frozen banana from Aunt Diana’s Candy Makers. Bella Luna Cafe had beer battered artichoke hearts. Then I got the seafood gumbo from Chicago Joe’s. The final 4 tickets I then spent on a piece of plain cheesecake from Eli’s Cheesecake. Yum! (Oh yeah, I got a Sierra Mist yet again.)

Phew – lots of good eats. We sat & listened to a band playing some sort of Mediterranian music, but once the mosquitoes decided that I made for a great supper, I decided that it was time to leave. And here we are, watching the end of Iron Chef.

Photos from Taste Day 1

I have wonderful friends. It turns out that elsaf had a cable for her MP3 player which is the same as my camera requires for synching to my laptop. So I now have photos to go with the text from yesterday.

dark_pheonix's surrogate for the trip.
dark_pheonix‘s surrogate for the trip.

The Mission.
Ever since I first visited judiang at her apartment, I have been fascinated with this mission nearby. I still haven’t figured out why I was fascinated with it, but this time I finally got a photo of it.

Da gurls!
Judi and Elsa enjoying the lovely flavors of The Taste. (Notice the long line of portapotties in the background. It’s no surprise they have about 4 billion of them in the park.)

The city.
Judi guides us towards Michigan Avenue for our “1 mile” walk to the movie theatre.

The old watertower
One of the few buildings in Chicago that survived the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 was the old watertower and its pump house.

The pump house
A photo of the pump house. Elsa in the foreground.

The Presbyterian Church
Here’s an indoor shot of the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago. Man, I hate to think of the oppulance of the *First* Presbyterian Church.

We’re just sitting around this morning geeking so far. We’ll probably do Taste for lunch and definitely do Taste for supper. (miz_em will be joining us for supper.) And watching Spider-Man 2 is on the agenda. Oh, and getting some measuring cups for Judi so that I can make a decent Amaretto Sour tonight. (Judi had *no* small measuring devices for making drinks. Well, she had a half tablespoon… That’s a wee bit too small.)

Good grief, now both of the girls are insisting that I take Lance for his morning walkies… He’s not *my* dog, dammit… 😉