NeilCon Day 1

Here I am, sitting in audioboy‘s music studio with Judi and audioboy himself. His piece called “Brenda” is playing on the midi sythesizer system or whatever that’s called. So we successfully made it here. 🙂

I got up at 4:44am and mom took me to the airport (I love mom!) and then I got on flight 444. Hmmm, that’s a bit spooky… (A Pecanbon from Cinnabon made me buy it and after I paid for the milk, it was $4.44…. Well, no, not really. It was $5.71.) My flights were both early arriving and getting to the end of the terminal where Judi was waiting was pretty painful. Awww, Vanna’s just joined us here. (That’s the KITTY at this place.)

When I arrived at the terminal, pritnear everyone was there waiting on me. Judi, whomiga, indefatigable42, audioboy and his wife were all there. Into the minivan and off to Trader Joe’s where Judi got some sustenance. (Be sure to read her story…) Then to Mary Chung’s for some wonderful food. No idea what it was all called. May write more on it later. Then we went to Toscannini’s for ice cream. I got some bittersweet chocolate ice cream and it was wonderfully evil. I must find a recipe for it.

It was then of to audioboy’s for awhile as we awaited the time we could get into the hotel. When that arrived, Judi and I headed to the hotel and snoozed. She actually slept (and snored) and I slept some and read some. (Still working on The Amber Spyglass.) Sometime after 5, we headed back to audioboy’s and chatted with folks. Then it was off to Sweet Chili (Japanese/Korean/Thai) where Judi and I got an appetizer called Shrimp Mermaid (which was very good) and almost $40 worth of very yummy sushi. Wonderful eats. Loads of folks were there and I got some photos which I will post later. Even dark_pheonix‘s surrogate bear was there. When dinner was over, we walked to Christina’s Homemade Ice Cream for, guess what? Homemade ice cream! I got a scoop of malted vanilla and a scoop of sugar cream. I tasted someone’s rose ice cream and oddly enough, it tasted exactly like roses smell. Good ice cream! Judi and I will probably venture off there on our own at least one more time this trip. (We paid close attention to how to get there.)

After ice cream, it was back to the flat and that’s where we’ve been all this time. After much fighting with my wireless card (and even trying a spare one of Whomiga’s) I’ve opted to stay in the studio and type this up. My butt hurts. (Wooden chairs do not make for optimum geeking chairs.)

Well, best to end this so Judi can update her LJ. Hopefully I’ll have more stuff tomorrow.

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