Caught Up – For Now…

Phew! Last evening, I spent the time getting caught up in e-mail from my NeilCon weekend. This evening I’ve been catching up on my LJ Friends List. I am finally there – yay! Y’all have so many interesting things to say, I can’t help but read. (And I find that such a contrast to my first feelings about blogging. I wasn’t interested in reading other people’s blogs and I CERTAINLY wasn’t going to put mine out for all to see. And yet, now I read with enthusiasm and write with excruciating detail. Go figure…)

Perhaps tomorrow I can work on getting a webpage set up for the NeilCon trip. Indeed, one of my summer goals ought to be getting the Travel section of my website finally caught up. I’ve been on many trips and have many tales and many photos to share. And if I get them online, then I won’t have to worry about reading my messy handwriting in years to come. (Before I wrote in LJ I wrote in little notebooks. I still do, actually. Just not nearly as much now. Usually just to say “It’s all in my Livejournal now.” Which means I should probably work on backing up my LJ one of these days. Especially after what happened to Chef Cluster 8. (I’m on Chef Cluster 2 – so I guess you could say that was a close call!))

Anyway, just waiting on my clothes to dry so that I can have clean undies tomorrow. The joy of doing laundry…