Invasion of the Ice Cream Vans

It was a lovely, lazy day today. I only worked 3 hours and then came home to goof off. Leo and I spent some time outdoors enjoying the warm breeze and bugs (well, he enjoyed the bugs). And later I took a nap. To be awakened later by an ice cream van going down my street. And then back up again. It had this very annoying song, one which I didn’t recognize.

But after it passed on, I heard another ice cream van tune. This one was recognizable. “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” At first I thought the van had switched tunes, but then I realized I could still sort of hear the other one. Ah, so there were two ice cream vans.

I lay there listening – and heard “Down Upon the Suwannee River” and then another van playing “Musicbox Dancer.” Sheesh! A town as small as mine does NOT need 4 ice cream vans. (My town is 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile – you do the math.)

Funny thing is, had I had some cash at the time, I might well have gone after one of those ice cream vans. They were very rare when I was a kid, but there was one item they sold that I loved. It was a “Mickey Mouse” ice cream bar. Chocolate and vanilla ice cream, basically. Yummy.

I decided to be bad another way, however, and ordered a Pizza Hut pan pizza – pineapples on top. And let’s hear it for leftovers! Yay!

Anyhoo, back to playing Diablo II with judiang and indefatigable42.