ebay musings…

Looking at my feedback right now (my ebay username, oddly enough, is trinalin) I’ve noticed that my Feedback Score (59) is exactly half of my total positive feedback (118). No, I don’t go accumulating loads of negative feedback (for shame!) Actually, it’s indicative of how many frickin’ Sylvester McCoy photos I now own. Most of the duplicate positives are from the same seller, who sells Doctor Who photos on occasion. And I’ve bought a fair few number of Sylv pix from this guy.

I have recently successfully purchased two non-Sylv items from ebay. One seller was great at giving feedback. (Like a number of sellers, however, he doesn’t give feedback until given feedback in return – a policy I sort of understand but still don’t like much.) The other seller, with a rating over 12,000, rarely seems to give feedback. (We’ll call him Mr. Stingy for now.) And it’s sellers like him that really annoy me. My own rating would be at least up to 75 by now if it hadn’t been for lame-ass sellers who didn’t give me feedback even after I’d given some to them.

But I did get feedback from Mr. Stingy in this circumstance. He’d sent an e-mail after shipping my product and mentioned how he’d get my feedback up once he did his “update.” And if it had been a week without the feedback arriving, I should send him an e-mail. Well, when the item arrived today, I wrote a very polite e-mail thanking him for the smooth auction and stated that I will be happy to give positive feedback once he did his update. By golly, he had done an update before I got back from work! (I wrote the e-mail while home for lunch.) And I’m one of the few folks who’ve been given positive feedback in his recent sales. Pretty selective update, if you ask me. (judiang got something from this seller too and I’ve given her the same advice that I followed, so hopefully she’ll get some feedback from this guy as well.)

You know, if you’re going to be an ebay business, you should follow the ebay custom. Give feedback to your customers. Don’t leave ’em hanging. Yeah, I’m still a bit sore that I’ve been screwed out of positive feedback on a few occasions, but one of the people who recently ordered from Mr. Stingy has 0 feedback so far. Poor buyer! New ebayer buyers probably don’t think to hold feedback for ransom – heck, I certainly didn’t when I began. But they should – they should insist upon getting some feedback.

So for those of you who ebay – if you’re selling, don’t be stingy with the feedback! And if you’re buying, don’t be afraid to insist upon it! Good luck with all of your online auctions and caveat emptor!

6 thoughts on “ebay musings…

    1. Both should give and receive feedback. Ideally, when your money arrives with a buyer, they should, then and there, report that you’re a good buyer. Then when you receive the goods, you should report that they’re a good seller. Some sellers have gotten screwed (as I have as a buyer) with people who don’t bother posting feedback once they’ve received it. So many sellers will wait until positive feedback has been posted about them before they respond in kind. But then there are lazy-ass sellers like Mr. Stingy, who I’m sure does NOT “update” his feedback at all. But if people call him on it, he’ll post feedback. Yo, Mr. Stingy, get with the program!

      1. Ah, I didn’t realize it. I went and gave feedback on the two purchases I made. I wonder if I should do the same at Amazon? Give feedback on my buyers? It’ll be tough now to go back and do a hundred plus! Em

        1. I think I’ve bought a couple of things from Amazon.com through other sellers and I never got around to giving feedback. Bad me. But the buyers don’t get feedback (to my knowledge) in this scenario, so I don’t have an incentive. 😉

  1. As often happens when I read your blog, I have no clue what you writing about. No need to explain–just thought I’d let you know your Luddite sister is in the dark once again. 🙂

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