Online Gaming…

It just amazes me that I can be sitting here in my den in Ohio and playing a video game with indefatigable42 in Canada and judiang in Chicago – or even gordon_r_d in Scotland! Amazing! We’re playing Diablo II with the expansion pack. Tonight, I’m playing a Necromancer. (I named him Ned. Why not? My Assassin is named Anne and my Sorceress is Sorry Sally. My paladin is PalanWithAl – a nice pun on a Squirrel Nut Zippers song.)

Ah, the Internet – an amazing thing!

(How’s that for a Judi-sized post?)

8 thoughts on “Online Gaming…

    1. I pondered a meme… But a simple short paragraph works in lieu of a meme in Judi-land. 🙂

    1. I told Judi it would be wonderfully ironic if she posted a trina-sized post tonight… She just laughed at me. The nerve! 😉

    1. Funny, I sensed the same thing. 🙂 But, hey, if it gets you to write, we’re all better for it! 🙂

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