Problem Solved!

Thanks to dreethal and barbthebrazen on IRC last night, judiang and I finally got our ad hoc network working. And then we played a TCP/IP game of Diablo II. My assassin was having trouble killing the Big Bad at the end of Act II, but Judi’s druid recently kicked butt and got him, so she joined into my game and we killed Duriel together. Woohoo! Thank you, Judi!

So anyhoo, that’s how Judi and I spent the last 3 hours of the evening last night. 🙂 As for the rest of the time…

Well, on Saturday, we tootled about all day, having lunch at El Sombrero in Piqua and going to see I, Robot at the Piqua Mall. ($3.50 – such a lovely price for a movie.) As Judi said, it’s based upon Asimov’s book title, but is still a fun movie. And I experienced plenty of “edge of my seat” action. (Well, those robots swarming over things – eeek! It was like spiders crawling on things!)

We then shopped around Piqua, Troy, and eventually down at Stop Eight (a little restaurant infested area along I-75) looking for stuff to tie-dye. When we were finished there, we drove back up to the Lake and grilled steaks, veggies, and peaches for supper. Once again, the folks joined us.

The evening was then spent unsuccessfully creating an ad hoc network and we then played Diablo II separate from each other. For about 3 hours straight. (Well, for Judi it was more like 4 hours since she was still going at 2am when I went to bed.)

Yesterday I went off to the grocery, hardware store, and Pizza Hut to get the last ingredients that we needed for ice cream and the gathering (and to get Judi and I some lunch). Thankfully, the 3 bags of ice didn’t melt away to nothing while I waited for our personal pan pizzas to bake.

The folks arrived around 2pm while I was working on the ice cream. Aunt Becky, Granny, Deanna & her friend Abby all arrived around 3:30. Since Abby was able to join us, we were able to play a game of Dutch Blitz. This is one of the most violent card games to come around since Spoons. 😉 As usual, Abby & Deanna won. And, oddly enough, Judi & I lost. (Mom & Becky, therefore, in third. With some spurious points that we gave ’em.)

After the game, Judi and I worked on freezing the ice cream and grilling the chicken boobies. (And managed to not mix those two jobs up.) Supper was a success, as was the ice cream (on brownies that Becky brought – mmmmm!) We cleaned up the table and it was time for Shanghai Rum!

Mom was the early leader, but Judi eventually took over the number one spot. However, as often happens in our games these days, Becky was lurking around the 3rd place spot throughout the game. And in the very final round, she passed both Judi and Deanna. (I came in a respectable 5th. At least I beat Granny & Abby! Oh, Abby managed to get a record 1040 points! That’s pretty bad!)

Everyone bugged out soon after and Judi and I were left to work on our ad hoc network and Diablo II game. Now we’re getting ready and will soon be off to King’s Island for a day riding rides! Woohoo!