Update from the Millennium Hotel

OK, so the bartender doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Yesterday, I called down to the front desk to ask about high speed internet. They said there was connectivity in the bar, but no wired connectivity in the rooms. So later, dad and I asked the bartender about it. Yes, there are connections along those walls, she said, pointing. And there’s wireless connectivity down here, but it’s $8 a day. There’s also wireless in the rooms. Ah, I thought, that might explain the WEP wireless connection I saw while in the room.

So when we were back at the lobby later, I asked the front desk re: wireless in the room and they said there wasn’t any. Just around the bar. And this morning? Well, I’m sitting at the bar (in a nice comfy chair) with my cat-5 cable hooked to the wall and getting NOTHING. However, I have my wireless card in and am online. And, oddly enough, I wasn’t charged.

Anyhoo, after driving all day Tuesday and most of the day yesterday, we’re finally in Minneapolis. This hotel is only a couple of blocks away from Amy & Rachel’s apartment. Last night we had a successful meeting of the In-Laws (and thankfully, no Peter Falk in sight!) After a nice dinner at the Black Forest cafe (I had hassenfeffer! Or however that’s spelled. Maybe elsaf knows how to spell it. Or at least how to cook it) we met in our hotel room and got the cards set up for the “blessings” segment of the ceremony. Cardstock was cut into 8ths (by treen with measuring done by Ame) and then Lynn (Rachel’s mom) punked a leaf-shaped hole into the corner and mom and Rachel strung ribbon (which mom had cut into 1 foot lengths) through the holes and these were placed in the programs which Lynn and Doug (Rachel’s dad) had folded earlier.

Amy showed me a map of the campground and I discovered something that will put judiang at ease. The cottage that she, Deanna, and I are staying in has it’s own toilet. And when we need to shower (and we WILL) we can walk over to mom & dad’s cabin and use their inbuilt one. And yesterday at the Target (tar-ZHAY) Mahal I got a bath robe for any trekking about in me nightie.

Today is grocery shopping and vegetable cutting and things like that. Should be a good day! (But first, I must wait for the ‘rents to get ready so we can have breakfast.)