Every year before school starts, I buy my “fall wardrobe.” But let’s be honest, it’s my year wardrobe. I shop for clothes once a year. Every so often I’ll pick up something (jeans, t-shirt, etc) as a one-off, but I only ever deliberately shop for clothes once a year. I don’t like shopping for clothes, as you might guess.

So today was the day. JC Penney’s was having a sale and I always get my wardrobe from Penney’s. Why them? Well, cuz their bras fit. (Yeah, TMI, sorry!) But I often find enough outfits on sale and this year was no exception.

I started off with the undies. Got 2 week’s worth of underpants, bras, and knee-high hose. That was a massive $185, but hey, that’s after saving over $50. Then mom and I picked out some shirts and slacks. And I ended up with 7 shirts and 4 slacks for $250. And that’s after saving $133. Cool. 🙂

So that should work for me until Christmas when folks get me my “winter wardrobe.” Funnily enough, my “spring wardrobe” looks a lot like my “fall wardrobe.” And summer? Whatever t-shirts and shorts I can find.

Guess I’m ready for school! 😉

7 thoughts on “S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G

  1. My clothes last a freakishly long time, and they’re ususally second hand when I get them. No clothes shopping needed for me 😀 It’s good to know you have enough underpants. It’s downright horrible when you run out!

    1. I found shirts that I still wear which I wore back when I was teaching at Eaton. Only just got rid of some of them (for space sake more than anything.) So I’ve got a huge bag of clothes for Good Will. It’s good to know you have enough underpants. It’s downright horrible when you run out! Indeed it is. I hate being *forced* to do an emergency laundry session. I prefer to do laundry at my leisure. (Actually, I’d prefer to never do laundry again, but there ya go.)

    1. And I love the weather thing. 🙂 Heh – the WeatherPixie is indeed cute. A friend has it on her Blogspot blog and so I decided to stick it in my blog as well. Doesn’t seem to be a way to get the temp in °F on the blog, but when I click on it, it sends me to the WeatherPixie page where I’ve got it set to show Imperial Units. (I know, I know, as the Metric Avenger, I should get used to these °C temps…)

        1. No, but now that you mention it, I should make a t-shirt with The Metric Avenger on it. 🙂 I’m working on a series of science t-shirts.

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