The Princess Chronicles…

After yesterday’s frustrating computer debacle, I managed to turn that around and have a very productive and fun day today. I played around with the school website and think I FINALLY have “the look” that works for me. Now to get some stuff to stick on it.

It was nearly noon when I finished working (and watching the ‘Lympics) so I got dressed and headed out to the Post Office and then the School. I deleted all of the accounts I created yesterday, removed the shares, and deleted all of the folders. Then I removed the students from my records who aren’t actually going to Newton this year. (Went from 314 accounts to 286 accounts – though there are some new people whose names I don’t have yet.) Once they were deleted, I could recreate acounts (this time with the right home directory), folders, and shares. Yay! I even tested an account out to make sure I finally got it right.

Other things I did at the school was redo the desktop wallpaper for the HS students (I did most of it at the laptop this morning in between web writing), write my lesson plans, get labs printed for the week, cleaned up the side shelf in the lab, and set up Monday’s experiment. And all of this was done in 3 hours. Woo!

I returned home to watch a little more Olympics and have a snack, then headed off to Piqua to look for elsaf‘s birthday present and eventually get to the mall. I went to the 4:40pm showing of The Princess Diaries 2. As a big Julie Andrews fan, I just had to see it. It was entertaining, and Julie’s in quite a bit. But I think I liked the first movie better. Still, it’ll be a DVD purchase eventaully. 🙂

I looked around the Mall a little before heading off to supper at the Piqua Chinese buffet. Then onto Kohl’s in Troy (managing successfully to avoid the Presidential Hoo Hah going on in downtown Troy today when George W came to town), and finally to Meijer.

BTW, for those curious, yes, I was successful in the purchasing of Elsa’s present. The guy at the pet store said he’s never seen one of that color before! 😉