Yay! First Friday after the first full week of school! Glad it’s here! Gonna have fun this weekend, too. elsaf is having judiang and I over this weekend for some movie watching, RenFaire visiting, and Labor Day grilling. Judi and I have put our pennies together to get a REALLY COOL birthday (belated) present for Elsa. We know what she asked for, but you know, what we found for her is SO much cuter! And tomorrow night, you’ll find out what it was, too! (Aren’t y’all just a quiver with excitement?)

Despite my frustration on Wednesday, I managed to get the computer completed for the individual who was without. This one was tougher because it’s one of the three wireless computers going in. Thankfully, the folks at Compex got me a version of their utility program that could actually install on computers, so I was able to get the card to see the wireless network. Yes, it’s now an encrypted network – wasn’t going to leave it alone for the weekend without encryption. I had to come up with a time delay for the logon batch file so that the utility software could fine the wireless network before the computer tried to map all its network drives. But everything seems to be working on it and the teacher was delighted that he can finally be on the network while in his cubbyhole classroom. (Believe me, this guy has the ittiest bittiest room in the school! Poor feller!)

Just need to set up the other two wireless computers. And the elementary lab. And 4 regular classrooms. And several smaller rooms. And get to the stack of repair requests. And all that jazz.

I’m hoping to be caught up by Christmas. 🙂

Oh, I *did* get some grading done this week! Yay! Had a day in physics that the kids were getting caught up, so I could too. Haven’t gotten the grades into GradeQuick yet, but perhaps next week.

My computer lab is still a mess, yet I intend to have the students in there next week. Maybe I can find something else for them to do Tuesday (haven’t written my Lesson Plans for the week yet) so that I have one more day to get the excess computers out of the way. 🙂 (My lab is the testing lab and it’s a great place to set up temporary machines for cloning etc.)

Well, enough rambling (especially as most of it is work related). I’m happy it’s Friday and I think we girls will have a wonderful weekend. Woohoo!