Dinner and a Movie

There are three movie theaters within a 15 minute drive (or so) of my house. Two in Troy, one in Piqua. The movie prices are very reasonable. Piqua’s theater, which is in the mall, is $3.50 for matinee and $5.50 for evening. (Everything before 6:00pm is matinee.) Troy’s theaters, both owned by the same company, used to both be $4 for matinee and $6 for evening – but one of the two has become a $1 theater. (50 cents on Tuesdays – woohoo!) Considering that the Hollywood Video in Troy has returned its rental prices back up from 99 cents (a limited special that went on for two years) I might go to the Mayflower to see second run releases instead of renting. 🙂

So I’ve gone from 3 first-run theaters to 2, and I was shocked to discover that one of those theaters was showing Hero. (You may recall I loved the movie when I saw it Labor Day weekend.) I couldn’t pass up the chance to show the movie off to the parental units, so I invited them out tonight for dinner and a movie. We went to the 5pm showing and then I took them out for dinner at the Bamboo Grill, a nice Chinese restaurant in downtown Troy. The movie was, once again, stunning and even the folks were impressed. A bit confused, maybe, but they agreed with me that the movie was visually impressive. The meal was wonderful. We had crab rangoon then shared chicken w/ garlic sauce, General Tso’s (one of the few restaurants in the area that don’t use breaded/battered chicken for this), and Kung Pao chicken. Yeah, so we like chicken… And best of all, I’ve got about 4 more meals out of the leftovers.

The entire evening cost under $50, which is pretty good entertainment and lots of bonus daughter points (sorry Amy!)

4 thoughts on “Dinner and a Movie

  1. I remember when movies used to be $5.50 for non-matinee shows here. Now they’re up to $7.00. Could be worse, though. Could be in a city where it’s upwards of $10 or more…

  2. O.o THAT cheap to go to the movies? We have to pay $15.00 AUS for a STUDENT’s ticket, that’s $10.50 US… *shakes fist at expensive cinemas* Good to see you had a nice time with your parents 😀 I sent ya my adress, the ‘webmaster@pagefillers’ email, in case you have multiple ones. I’m off to drool at the Sylv pic and try to put my head back together.

    1. THAT cheap to go to the movies? Yeah, I love it. There’s a lot to be said for living in Poedunkville, USA. 🙂 I sent ya my adress, the ‘webmaster@pagefillers’ email, in case you have multiple ones. Yeah, got it. If I get up early enough tomorrow, I ought to get something out to you tomorrow. Tomorrow, that is. I’m off to drool at the Sylv pic and try to put my head back together. Sylv? Nah, drool at my new NIFTY square components! I’m so proud!

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