Cleaning Meanies

Despite a few false starts today, I managed to get some cleaning done – woohoo! It helps that I ripped my two latest CDs to my vast collection and listened to ’em on my MP3 player while I cleaned. The new CDs are Chumbawamba‘s latest album, Un, and George Harrison‘s Thirty Three & 1/3. (I had the second as an LP but I’ve been slowly upgrading all of my George Harrison stuff to CD.) Un is great – catchy, angry, funny, and melodical. In other words, what I expect a Chumbawamba album to be. Go buy it.

I haven’t completely finished yet – taking a short computer break first – but I did get a lot of cleaning (including laundry) done. My bed is made, even! (I love freshly washed sheets which have been dried on the line. So does Leo, apparently.) Even got my shoes sorted in the closet (you won’t believe how many I threw out. Why the hell did I still have them????)

Anyhoo, I’d probably better get back to work, or I’ll waste my time away on the computer playing Insaniquarium.

“When fine society sits down to dine, remember that someone is pissing in the wine.”

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