GLP (Gratuitous Leo Post)

I haven’t had a post with LeoPix in awhile, so I thought I’d do one tonight. I actually took these photos last night only to realize that I didn’t have my download cable here (it was with my laptop at school).

I’m not a big one for decorating at Halloween, but I recently bought a Halloween tablecloth for the dining room table. And as soon as I had it out, Leo had to make sure it suited him.

It did.

Leo checks out the table cloth.
Here’s Leo, making sure that the new table cloth matches him. Being a black cat (in general) he’s well suited for Halloween colors. If only he weren’t a scaredy cat – when the little beggars come trick-or-treating, he runs and hides. Silly boy!

Leo in repose.
Here’s a profile shot of him. I just loved the look of it. If only I had a better background for that picture. (Yes, that’s the electrical cable for my vacuum cleaner.)

I love my cat. (Does it show?) 🙂

6 thoughts on “GLP (Gratuitous Leo Post)

  1. Wow that’s a great profile shot. None of my cats will sit still long enough to get their pictures taken. Unless I’m on the webcam of course then I can’t get them out of frame. *grin*

    1. Wow that’s a great profile shot. Thanks! I was surprised when I saw it after downloading it tonight. None of my cats will sit still long enough to get their pictures taken. Ah, my cat’s so vain, he probably thinks this post is about him…

  2. He’s a beautiful cat – and the tablecloth suits him well. Mine’s a bit of a scaredy-cat too, but if I do pass out candy this year, it’ll be sitting and freezing my hinder off on the front stoop as no-one ever comes upstairs. Ever. So it won’t freak him out. 🙂

  3. Hehe. You should have put the second one first, then Leo would be looking at the random Sylv pic and not the weather pixie. Mmm. Sylv pic. Concentrate on the cat, dammit! Shiny cat. Nice cat. Not like my himalayan fat ball of grumpy fluff who thinks that it is fun to get stuck on the roof and yowl.

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