Uniqueness Meme

Gakked from elsaf. I think I will truly be unique here. Feel free to prove me wrong. 🙂

Name a book you own that nobody else on your friends list is likely to:

Behind the Scenes of a Musical by Bruce Purchase. This is a children’s book documenting the making of The Pied Piper, the National Theatre’s production which starred Sylvester McCoy. It’s got great color photos of Sylv in and out of costume.

Name a CD you own that nobody else on your friends list is likely to have:

‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime… by The Hammered Music Duo. It’s hammered dulcimer music of several Christmas tunes. Beautiful music.

Name a VHS tape/DVD you own that nobody else on your friends list is likely to:

Well, I hope it’s The Three Kinds of Heat, but there may actually be one or two who do have that. So I’ll say The Mumbo Jumbo instead. (Actually, most of my Sylv stuff is probably rather unique.)

Name a place you’ve been… yada, yada:

Bruckner’s Nature Center. I’ve yet to take any of my friends there, except one ‘net friend who doesn’t yet have an LJ. It’s a nice little park just outside of town. Perhaps someday I’ll take elsaf and judiang there. (So is that cheating, picking a local spot? Tell me if it is.)

BTW – HAPPY BIRTHDAY dark_pheonix! I’d make her Sylv wallpaper, but I did one better and sent her actual Sylv pix for her b-day. Heh heh heh. (I’m such a bad influence on the youth of today!)

6 thoughts on “Uniqueness Meme

  1. It’s got great color photos of Sylv in and out of costume. Heh heh. I’ve got a dirty mind. *Loves being a visual thinker* Thankies again for the spiffy Sylv pics. That PSB CD has been played relentlessly since I got it *loves track 2 of CD 2 the most* I’m such a bad influence on the youth of today! I’m more of a bad influence…I corrupt those around me (Mwa ha ha)

    1. *loves track 2 of CD 2 the most* The song that haunted me from that CD set was “That’s My Impression.” Got stuck in my head one day, so I had to listen to it about 9 times in a row to get it out. Still like the song, but my favorite in the CD set is “What Keeps Mankind Alive.”

  2. You’re right, you’re not the only one with a copy of Three Kinds of Heat. Cause I distinctly remember you making a copy of it for me, for God knows what reasons I wanted one for, and I know exactly where that tape is…

  3. You bought Three Kinds of Heat? You really are a Sylvester McCoy fan. (Rented it with my roomie in college once. Long story.)

    1. You bought Three Kinds of Heat? LOL – Heaven’s no! I wouldn’t spend that kind of money on it! Actually, elsaf bought it. She was more than willing to give it to me after she’d seen it. (She’s been grateful to me ever since.) She refused to charge money for it – I don’t blame her. 🙂 I will admit that I bought The Mumbo Jumbo, but it was only £5. And you get to see Sylvester McCoy looking like Wilfred Brimley.

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