Avoiding Work

I actually have guests coming tomorrow, so what am I doing? Avoiding cleaning. I have to vaccuum, dust, clean, and other stuff before 7pm tomorrow. Plus make some Bailey’s Irish Cream ice cream. I have already made the bittersweet chocolate ice cream. Yum!

So anyway, help distract me from my work. Tell me what things you like to do when you want to avoid doing another kind of work… (Oddly enough, back when I used to have to write compositions for English, my distracting behavior was to clean my room! Maybe someone should assign an English composition for me…)

4 thoughts on “Avoiding Work

  1. I’ve always been the odd one out in that when there is work to do, I have to do it streight away. I wouldn’t call myself a workaholic as I don’t seek out the work, but when it is there it’s a grey fog I must dissapate. I cannot relax if I have an assignment to do, or a room to clean. Though sometimes I get distracted whilst doing the job, I’ll always come back to finish it. I know that this sounds rather odd for a highschool-going teenager, but my assignments are usually completed and handed in within three days of their issuing. As for the possability of avioding work…Uh…I would either draw something or play backgammon, depending on the circumstance.

  2. I obsessively check email. Play solitaire on the computer. Just a quick game of FreeCell, I swear!… Er, actually, occasionally I do housework. Usually dishes, though. But that’s because I’m avoiding reading another chapter in another probably-tedious history book. And in time-honored fashion, take a bath. 🙂

  3. Heh. I usually read…slash. Usually it’s very bad, and then I say to myself I’m not going to read any fanfiction again because it’s all so crap. And then when I have more stuff to do, I’m back in the archives…

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